3. 1004

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more mentions of blood

GRIAN TOOK OUT HIS COMMUNICATOR AND TRIED TO REACH MUMBO. He hurriedly texted him and got surprised when he got a response.

MumboJumbo: I'm fine

Grian was relieved that his friend was ok.

But something seemed off..

Was this really Mumbo?

He started to investigate the situation. Mumbo usually didn't talk like this. It seemed like it was someone else's texting style. But who's? His mind shuffled with suspects. He then realized that his last text said he was going to be at Pearls place.


His mind rushed as he hurriedly flew over to Pearls using his wings. He looked below him, the small town looking just fine.

He opened the door, the suspense alone making him sweat, expecting arguments or a fight. Nothing was strange inside. He continued to go to the other floor when he saw-

Blood. Everywhere.

It was smeared all over the floor, and he followed it. He followed it, breath shaky and hitching. He silently walked, not wanting to alert.

He shed a little tear, eyes in shock. His world felt like it was crumbling and falling apart, right in front of him. He swore he could see it. He could see the black that engulfed his eyesight. His knees gave up on him and he fell down, crying immensely. His tears rushed onto the ground, as sobs echoed the room.


One of his long time friends.

Looking lifeless. Rapidly loosing blood.

Stuffed into the corner of her storage system.

He curiously glanced up when he heard slight laughing. It sounded..


He then saw Pearl with an evil grin hiding behind some of the chests in the corner of his eye.

She then rushed over to Grian, plastering a fake traumatized emotion on her face. Behind her back was a her sharp bloodied sword, covered in Mumbo's blood. She never bothered to clean it, as her only task of now was to-

Wipe them all out.

That had been the only thing sitting in her head for a long time. It rang in her mind daily.

"Grian! I-i'm so glad you're h-here! You see- Mumbo got s-stabbed and-" She stuttered, fake tears rushing down her face as she tried to explain the situation.


"Y-yeah?" She wiped her tears with her dark blue sleeve, bloodied. But with the dark, lights out environment, he would barely notice.

"I know you did this." Grian boldly said, hand on sword just in case she tried to attack him.

"Pearl, why?"

No response. She moved swiftly and blended in with the dark atmosphere. Grian was caught off guard and didn't move. His surroundings were all dark. He looked around, head moving around. Blonde hair shaking.

"Pearl, please. Explain to me! I promise you can tell anything to us, to me!" Grian's breath hitched as his nonstop flowing of tears ran down his delicate face and slowly made it to his chin.

Then he felt a pain in his back.

A pain that went right through his heart.

Mumbo stared at the scene, too weak to do anything. His tired eyes slightly dilated.

Too weak to scream, call for help, or divert her attention from Grian.

Her bloody sword pierced through Grians skin.

She looked right at Grian, voice in a whisper and with a tint of evilness.

"No reason, I just want to watch you all burn."

She had a sly smirk on her face as she pulled the sword out of Grian violently and aggressively, making him crumble to the ground and scream in pain. A loud thud sound interfered with the quietness of Pearls base as he kept on screaming in pain.

All he could do..

Was scream.

Pearl left the room, off to clean her sword and herself from evidence. She sprinted out of the storage room.

Grian with the little strength that he had, weakly pulled out his communicator. He made little taps on the screen as he delicately smiled. But he never finished the message he had planned to send though, using the last bit of strength he had to press enter as he had lost all of his strength that his communicator thud to the ground as he heard vibrations from Mumbo's communicator.

And with that, he felt dizzy.

Really, really dizzy.



Pearl was busy wiping her sword, humming a tune. She wiped it clean, but then heard a buzz from her communicator. It shocked her a little bit, catching her off guard. She pulled it out. An expression of anger quickly grew on her face as she grit her teeth.

She ran down the stairs, swiftly swiping Grians communicator. She didn't want anyone to be suspicious of her if they already re read the previous messages. Pearl quickly typed up a fake excuse.



"Are you seeing this Impulse?"

Scar swooped down to Impulse who was continuing to build his giant factory. He had his communicator out, looking at it. Not in a normal way, but in a wide eyed, scared way. Had he changed? Or.. was it someone else? They both look at each other with faces of concern. This wasn't like them.

And they both knew.


The server looked for Grian and Mumbo, wasting hours of valuable time looking and looking. Most of them had even tried contacting the two, but no response. Pearl had smashed their communicators to itty bitty pieces. Even Xisuma tried to use his admin commands to locate their communicators.


"Where the hell are they?!" Xisuma smashed his keyboard in anger and in frustration. Some keys almost flew out as a big 'CLACK' noise echoed the room. He had tried to do everything, but he just couldn't find them. He had no possibilities to where they have could've been, but all he ended up with was just crumpled balls of paper tossed everywhere.

The buzzing of everyones communicators was non-stop as the chat raged. It raged with possible theories, and with worry. A lot of worry.


(with thanks to my friend for helping me write a big chunk of this whole part and much more parts to come😁)

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