4. 1203

189 3 0

heh more mentions of blood

AFTER WASTING SO MUCH HOURS OF TIME, they even had to cancel uploading to try to find their friends. Some of the hermits had given up at this point since they had lost hope. Some of the hermits still had some hope though, and tried to encourage the hermits that had given up to find them.

They just knew they were out there.



Everyone had lost hope. Wherever they were, they just had to stay there. Xisuma had sent out a message to everyone that the search have been deemed over. Some of the hermits fell to their knees and cried. Their friends were gone, but a death message hadn't been sent out yet.

That only left them to one conclusion, and to one conclusion only:

They were kidnapped.

They all decided to hold a memorial service for them at night, and they decided it would be at the Taiga biome at Boatem. As most of them were flying over, they held things in their hands. Things like flower bouquets and flower crowns. Some of them had to be guided by others since tears were averting their vision and they had a possibility of crashing.

Some of them came early, some late. The area was easy to spot since a small part of the forest was cleared out, and lit up with lanterns. There sat a table with a photo of the both of them. Impulse and Scar were the ones who set up the area, as they sat down, just both looking at the photo.

As the service was ongoing and people were passing a mic to the others, Scar noticed something. Pearl nor Gem were here. Their seats stayed empty. Scar thought for a moment, connecting all the dots in his mind until his breath hitched.

What if..

Pearl was the cause?

"Impulse.." He squeaked, tapping his shoulder.

"Yeah?" He said, whispering back and looking away from False as he saw Scars wide eyed appearance. Concern for him grew in his gut as he wondered what was going on with him.

"I think..

Pearl a-and maybe Gem might be the one who-"

Impulse quickly covered Scars mouth and looked around. Thankfully nobody had looked at the both of them yet, but they were soon to get some stares. He took his hand off Scars mouth and they both got out of their seat and stood behind some trees as Scar let out everything that he wanted to say.

"Pearl.. Pearl might be the one that might have kidnapped Grian and Mumbo! Didn't you see in chat when Mumbo said he was going to be at Pearl's base then respond right after a few days ago..? He never responded! A-and Grian, he went to check up on Mumbo but after that he said something about how he needed help, b-but he then said he was fine, but it surely didn't sound like him! And that's all cause he went to Pe-"

Scar stopped talking as he noticed Impulse had one hand on his eye, the other one crying.

"Impulse..?" He put a hand on his shoulder as Impulse sniffled.

"Y-you're right Scar.. it all makes sense now. It does.. and we need to do something about it."

They looked at each other and they exactly knew what to do.

They were gonna save their friends.


As they carefully walked over to Pearls front entrance, they quietly opened only one of her doors. It wasn't like the old times anymore, they had to be as quiet as they could so they could save their friends quickly. The dark, eerie atmosphere filled the room as they shuddered. With this type of environment, it was sure that Pearl had the advantage.

They quickly peeked on every floor, going up then all the way to the storage room. The wooden planks creaked every time the weight of their feet was placed. Scar was the first one to see the horror.

The horror of Grian tied to the floor.

The horror of Mumbo sitting in the corner.

Both of them had blood seeping out of their chests, and some more dripping out of their mouth.

Scar raced down the stairs and fell to his knees as he looked at Grian, as Impulse rushed over to Mumbo.

"GRIAN!" Scar cried out, looking at the body. He whipped out his communicator and typed a message, fingers shaky. He tried to hold in his tears.


He looked over at Impulse, who was trying to talk to Mumbo.

"Mumbo..? This is all a joke.. right? Y-you aren't dead.. right?"


He then heard Impulse call his name. He turned his attention over to his friend.

"Scar..? Scar, what is that?"

Impulse was pointing at a shadowy figure, gripping a shiny sword. The figure represented Gem. It started walking, almost running towards them, coming out from one of the sides of the storage room.

"Impulse.. Impulse, run."

They both slowly started to get up and run, Scar and Impulse gulping. Gem didn't want them to get away so she decided to throw her sword.

Right at them.


Scar hurriedly moved, but still got a large cut on his thumb. It stung, stung real hard. He squinted and tried to avoid the bleeding cut as he got away. He could see Pearl rushing over to him as he and Impulse tried to run faster. Impulse made it out safely, and looked back to see...


Scar had tripped. Pearl had kept him on the ground by stomping him on the stomach, Scar coughing. Pearl quickly took Scar and dragged him over to the Boatem hole. Scar was too weak to retaliate. Small pebbles and sharp shards of grass scraped his face as new cuts started to open up and bleed. He smiled weakly, hoping Impulse would sneak back into the house and give aid to Mumbo and Grian. Gem followed Pearl and snickered.

Impulse ran into the house, and down the storage room. He braced himself for the same horrific view of blood everywhere. He wasn't sure on how to aid them though, and that was his only goal. He reached in his pocket and the only thing he had in there were some iDimpy bars. Then he thought about how he would aid them with the iDimpy bars.

(hi there, author here. lemme just say, this next part and the part and the one above was written by @Crafty_JoeBoB aka my friend so uh yeah. hi.)

He thought of the only possible way and groaned. He peeled off the wrapper of the chocolate bars and broke off a piece. He slid one in Mumbos mouth as his other hand opened his chin. He squinted as he pulled out his hand and closed his mouth. He sighed when he realized he had to do it to Grian also, but first, he was going to break him from the ties.



As soon as Pearl was about to kick poor, helpless Scar, a voice called out.

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