7. 1025

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BLOOD. SPLASHED. EVERYWHERE. It had been a glorious sight to see for Pearl, not for the others though. False had just been impaled. As the others were waiting for her to turn simply into smoke, nothing happened. Everyone all stopped and watch— including Pearl. She watched in wonder as the others watched in fear.

"PEARL! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO FALSE!?" Keralis shouted at her as she stood up and swinged her sword around masterfully.

"False..? Who is this 'False' person?" She curiously said.

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY YOU DON'T KNOW WHO FALSE IS!" Bdubs said as she had barely noticed 3 people running just behind her, heading to Impulses factory. Everyone didn't dare to attract attention to them running over, some almost sighing of relief as she didn't see them.

Or so they thought.

She had enough of stalling. She ran over to all of them. In swift moves, she easily got to almost everyone—

Until she realized that some of them were gone.

She scoffed, running over to Impulses base.

"Did they really think that I wouldn't notice that people were right behind me?! I'll deal with them— I'll show them." She smirked.


After Ren and Doc had come to rescue, she was angry from them interrupting her time.

"You guys seriously couldn't let me have my time?!"

They stood in silence, looking at each other.


As she was down to her last person, which was Ren, she giggled. Ren had a good stance, legs slightly spread, sword infront of him. But that didn't stop Pearl from slowly walking over. He grit his teeth from intimidation.

"Are you up for a fight, my dude? Then I'll give you one."

He ran to the side which caught Pearl off guard, swishing her head around. Ren was going to strike her from behind, and just about ready to attack. Pearl quickly realized that, when she saw a shadow in the dim, dark moonlight. It was almost invisible, but she had a good eye. She moved away swiftly, causing Ren to plunge his sword into the soft dirt. His eye wide of realization-

Pearl had taken the upper hand, and inserted her sword into his arm.

Screams of pain echoed the night. Strong winds blew the area around, causing all the torches to blow out. Ren actually had a high pain tolerance, but this was too much to handle. It hurt.

Rain suddenly had started to appear, one of the last things he thought he would see. His body collapsed.

Pearl had started to laugh, laughs that hid her insanity. It quickly turned into laughs that showed her insanity though, as she looked at the ground, eyes wide. She did it. She had taken everyone down.


"We got them." Pearl said as her and Gem carried Zedaph and Grian on their backs. EvilX grinned under his helmet.

"Great, let's tie them up."



Zedaph had been cut off from thinking when he saw EvilX walk into the room. You could really never tell the expression on his face, whether it be happy, sad, angry, disgusted, fearful, or anything else due to his helmet.

"Welcome, my lab rats." He spoke. Zedaph looked in the corner of his eye as he saw Grian moving around and wincing. He had felt really uncomfortable, wings never being as close together as this. He bit his lip as he held his pain back. Zedaph turned his head over to Grian for a slight second as he stayed silent. He couldn't do anything about it, so he just had stopped from here on out.

"By the looks of it, I guess we can start the experiments! Let me call Pearl and Gem to bring you guys to the chamber." EvilX said, happily clapping his hands together.

"W-WHAT! CHAMBER!?" Grian exclaimed, leaning forward on his chair as his hair swayed back then forward. EvilX turned slowly around as he then repeated his sentence, as his tone showed how pissed he was.

"Yes, the chamber." He grumbled, walking away faster.

Grian and Zedaph sighed.


Days had gone by, as EvilX had set them through a serious amount of testing. This took a huge toll on their bodies, both of them feeling tired, helpless, energetic, fearful, and possibly every other emotion at once. In the time that Grian and Zedaph were gone, the few of the remaining survivors had done everything they could to help aid the fallen. Mumbo had been feeling better in this time, and had learned more about medical treatment. Scar had been just found (alive) a few hours after hiding in Grians base, tucked in a corner.

"How are you feeling, Bdubs?" Impulse watched as he got up, rubbing his eye.

"Better than ever."

Bit by bit, more people had slowly been healed. They had been using Scars Swaggon HQ for the healing process.

Stress walked over to Scar, putting one hand on his shoulder. "Thank you so much for letting us use your Swaggon HQ. It is quite nice, if I do say so myself- CREEPER!"

A loud boom woke everyone up.


"Aha.. it's working." EvilX rubbed his hands evily as they woke up, feeling nauseous. They were in the same chairs that they were in when they were kidnapped, but only this time they were untied.

"That's what you said the last 10 times." Gem crossed her arms and was holding back the urge to slap EvilX.

"Oh shut up Gem! It actually is working this time. Watch, when they wake up, they won't know where they are. Trust me."

Pearl leaned against a wall and crossed her arms as she stayed silent. As they were bickering once again, she looked at her hands. Scars that were a shade darker then her skin-tone, painted across her hands. She then wondered if she had some on her face.

A chair rustled as the attention drove over to Grian.

"What.. where.. am I?" Grian said groggily as he used his sleeve to wipe his eyes. His eyes dragged around the room.

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