5. 1475

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make sure to check out my updated chapter 0 (0.)


TIME HAD SEEM TO STOP FOR PEARL. Or at least it was moving slowly.

Very, very slowly.

She was 2 seconds away from kicking Scar into the Boatem Hole, which dropped down all the way into the void.

Her mind always seemed to tell her that it was right.

It was right to make people and their friends suffer.

To make them feel agony, pain, depression, and worry. Grief, anger, sadness.

A small part of her told her it was wrong.

But how could it be? The feeling of a sharp sword, piercing through soft flesh, watching the look of fear appear in their eyes as she had just seamlessly slid a knife through their insides. It felt amazing. The dark, shiny red liquid showing as she then pulled out her sword, leaving them unconscious and collapsing. The thought just drove her devoted. Devoted to kill.

In her eyes,

This, was perfectly ok.



Her mind was brought back to reality as she saw a group of various hermits, most familiar to her, but she couldn't quite put her finger on who they were, standing in a group. Most of them had their hands on their sword, ready to draw them just in case. Pearl and Gem looked at each other and both took out their swords, the others doing the same. Scar helplessly laid there, silently praying someone would come to help.

The group of hermits separated as some ran over to Pearls base and as some ran over to Pearl and Gem, Gem running over to Pearls base as her eyes glanced over to the group, pulling out their swords.

"This is going to be fun." Pearl mumbled, sneaking a sly smile on her face.

False ran over and drew her sword, getting infront of the crowd and almost hitting Pearl in the stomach. Their swords hit and the grip of the both of them caused the swords to hold against each other. False started to speak while looking at the swords, her eyes drenched in worry.

"Pearl, please. This isn't like you, it never was." Her face was fixed in a discomforted position, looking right into her dull eyes. The shine that almost felt like it came from the sun disappeared. The once happy Pearl..


Pearl grit her teeth with anger as she slashed her sword, making False fall down and toss her sword away. She glanced at it, before looking back at Pearl. One of her arms were holding her weight of her upper body while the other one was just over her eye, squinting. Her eyes widened as she saw as Pearl was sitting right in front of her. Her sword was above her head and it looked like it was about to plunge right into her. She watched in horror as it was quickly striking down on her and the sharp tip was right above her heart. She turned around and screamed.

"Guys, HELP!"

Blood splashed everywhere.



Huh. I feel dizzy. And unwell. What's going on..? Why do I hear voices..?

"Hurry, lift them up!"

"I'll take care of Gem when she comes."

"Mumbo! Grian?!"

"We're doomed."

in her eyes. | a hermitcraft storyWhere stories live. Discover now