fun ride

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Julie's POV

Usually on weekday mornings, I'm a much more productive person. I drag my sleepy ass out of bed, do my daily routine, grab myself a pop-tart, tell my mom I love her then walk myself to school.

But for some damn reason, God chose today as not those morning...

Let's just say I over slept a bit and my alarm didn't go off until 8:00, and school starts at 8:30. So you can imagine my heart about to pump out of my chest when I found out about that...

As I was rushing to the kitchen to find myself a food of some sort to eat before sprinting to school, I see my mom calmly reading her book while drinking her coffee. "Well Good Morning to you too, dearest daughter of mine" she says calmly while I rummage through the cabinets as if a bomb is gonna explode. I chose to ignore her because she will probably poke the idea of me not waking up early as an advantage for her daily playful teasing.

My Mom and I have a really close relationship, so close that I can basically call my built in best friend. I really will do anything for her, she makes me feel better about myself and encourages me through my faults (even if it's the stupid ones). She was also the one who taught me to play piano and help me find my love for music and singing. Though we love music together, we also have some differences. Though my mom loves music, she also loves love and organizing much more (as you can see, I'm more like her but mine is more of a bad habit).

She always say everyone has someone, no matter the gender or sexuality, there is always someone there for you and loves you for who you are. So basically her profession is a Wedding Planner. I loved weddings too, don't get me wrong but sometimes Mom makes me play at least one song on the piano at the weddings she plans. Basically like you use her as her wedding planner, you get me as a surprise token. But sometimes it's cool because I get to help Mom and I did say I would do anything for her.

Now on to my dad...growing up, he wasn't really there I guess you can say. He was there but he was always working and never made time for us, so that kind of interfered with our relationship. After the divorce, I found it hard to make the effort to spend quality time with him. I thought "Why would I make an effort when he barely made any?" But over time (and some persuasion), My mom and I would take some time off and visited him when possible. If not visit then we would stay in contact with him. At first it was not the best, it was better. It just didn't feel like either of us we were putting our maximum effort. As time went on, things got better and now we all talk to each other everyday and get involved in each other's lives for the better.

Anyways now we are getting off topic-

Mom closes her book, looks me up and down, and just from the look on her face I know what she is gonna say...

"Why don't you wear that blue dress I bought you? It's your favourite colour isn't it?"

Andddd there it is.

"Well, which blue dress you're asking me to wear? You should know because you bought like a billion of them. Also I hate the colour blue."

My mom looks at me weird and continued to say "oh please! Who hates the colour blue? It's the colour of the ocean. Do you hate the ocean?"

Ignoring her question, I rolled my eyes and grabbed her keys and stuffed it into her hand "Come on! I got school and if your not in the car in the next three minutes, I will drag you myself"

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