pep talk

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Julie's POV

We finally pulled to our houses because SOMEBODY wasn't paying attention to the road and turned the wrong way so we had to go the long way home.


Luke pulled the car into reverse so when he parked, the back side of the car was facing his house. I turned to the back so I can grab my, now soaked, backpack. As I was checking if my laptop or other basic shit I basically needed were damp, which thank god they weren't, Luke turned his whole body towards.

He just kept staring at me as I felt his eyes burn into the side of my head. I started to get uncomfortable so tried to leave.

"Alright dumbass, thanks for nothing for the  excruciating car ride"

I was so close to leaving the car when Luke pulled on my arm gently as if it was a way to tell me to stay back. He had this weird look on his face and frankly, I was scared he's gonna pull up a knife or something.

"Why are you looking at me like at that?..."

Slowly like he was scared that he might frighten me, he reaches his arm forward and touch's the side of my lips. I wanted slap his hand away from my face but all my nerves were completely frozen in shock because of the weird gesture.

Did they put crack in his drink?

His hand then pulled away from my face and then he licked his thumb. He had this smirk on his face and I'm not joking when I say I never wanted to punch his face more than ever in this moment.

"Now that was annoying me almost the whole car ride."

I looked at him with confusion written all over my face. He then snorted and picked up the empty blueberry muffin wrapper that I essentially stole from him early.

Ohhh I had smear of blueberry on face... I'm a really messy eater? Aren't I?

I just rolled my eyes at him and left the car without a word. As I walked all the way to my door, I still felt his eyes on me but honestly I was used to it when it comes to him dropping me off. After he pulls up to my house, he watches me as I enter the house just because of "safety".

Like hello? I get it! It's for safety and shit but I can kick some ass! I'm not a baby!

But I guess it's nice or whatever. Anyways, I walked into the house and took off my shoes. I found my mom in the TV room with her legs up on the coffee table in-front of her.

"Hey kiddo! Where were you? I came back like 30 mins ago and you weren't here! You ok?"  I felt bad because she sounded genuinely worried but honestly that's Luke's fault at most.

"Ya ya, I'm fine. Luke just picked me up late and then went to get some food after. Then the idiot turned the wrong way so we took the long way home" I stated to her as I walked to her, I flopped on the couch she was sitting in and laid my head in her lap.

"Luke eh?" She did this weird eyebrow wave that I was never able to do. I just groaned and rolled my eyes at her.

The amount of times I eye rolled people today is seriously concerning...

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