untold promises

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Julie's POV

I have a question... 

Why is it so hard to focus on one thing when the other thing that I also need to focus on seems equally important?

Like I'm in the auditorium right now, not paying any attention to Ms. Harrison's directions for today's rehearsal. All I can think about is trying to find more lyrics for Nalini & Adam's wedding song and more overthinking thoughts I rather not say.

Haunted by Taylor Swift is blasting against my eardrums as I have my earbuds in, leaving me in my zone.

Maybe that's why I can't think of any song lyrics? Because I'm in a very depressing mood? Am I depressed? No, can't be! Maybe I'm just tired. Yea, that makes sense.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when Flynn smacked my elbow and pulled one of my earbuds off from my left. I jolted up in my seat a bit, straightening my position.

"Ms. Molina, I'm hoping you got that information down." Mrs. Harrison scolded as she eyed me down.

Ah shit...

"Oh! Yeah! Totally!"

One of these days, I need to pay attention to people, but also I don't like people at the same time.

Ms. Harrison continued to give instructions to the actors as all of the set crew went to their designated stations.

Flynn leaned in a bit and whispered "You have no clue what the hell is going on, do ya?"

I let out a long exhale as I bowed my head to only answer with a "yeah, pretty much."

As Flynn explains what we are supposed to do, I tuned her out again because I began to realize that Luke and I haven't done anything for the past few days. We haven't hung out since we told our Moms we were "dating", do you think they are suspicious?


"Yeah! I'm sorry!" I practically haven't been this procrastinated in a while.

"Dude what's up with you? Did Luke give you something? Because babes you're gonna turn into him at this rate." She had her new acrylic nails snapped at me as her lips were pierced out, eyebrows raised a bit and her brown eyes widened at me, insisting for a reason.

Before I could answer, Alex slides into the seat next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

I turned to look at him, only to be met with his neck. Since Alex is slightly taller than I am, and when I mean slightly I mean a head taller than me.

Alex had a slight puckered smirk across his lips and his eyes a bit narrowed as he flipped his hair back.


He shrugged and I was honestly concerned because this was not the Alex I knew. Just being friends with Luke is poisoning him.

"And what the hell happened to you? WHY IS EVERYONE ACTING LIKE LUKE?? Did he drug y'all up or something?" Flynn exclaimed my exact thoughts.

"THANK YOU! I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO THOUGHT LUKE WAS LIKE THAT!" Alex shouted, causing the group next to us to look up at us in concern.

I just showed a grimace face toward their direction.

After they turned back to mind their own business, we tried to keep in our laughter so we don't actually look like psychos. But ended up failing after we gave those knowing looks to each other.

Mid-fun, I was stopped as an angelic voice called my name.

"Julie! Julie! Mind lending a hand?" Nick asked as he was seen struggling to carry a box of props.

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