wedding bells and planners

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Julie's POV

"You sure Molina? Because what looked to me up there was sure more than just 'acting'"

I didn't want to turn around due to the fact my face is now a more brighter red than Harry Style's pants when he was in Denver for 'Love On Tour'.

And it just got worse...

I squeezed my eyes shut and turned around, not wanting to see his face turn into a cocky smirk. But since I had to use the power of vision in order to leave the room and turn away from my misery, I opened my eyes to see him in the audience seats.

His whole body was molded into the seat as he was slouched and had his legs up on the seat in-front of him with his feet crossed, hands pressed on the back of his head, causing for his elbows to be up in the air.

"Hey Molina" He raised his eyebrows and displayed a toothy smile.

I groaned over the bad luck of my whole day because I can never get a moment of peace.

"What do you want you walking cockroach?! Why are you here? I don't need you to pick me up today! I have arms don't I? I have legs too you know!" I scold at him because I'm overall tired of today. The last thing I need is for Luke to make anything worse.

"Woah woah woah, calm down Mole-rat! I'm not here for you! I'm here to talk to Alex. Not everything is about you Molina." He eye rolled me and made a annoyed frown on his face.

Oh right... I forget to mention that Luke's friend, Alex Mercer is in Drama Club. Alex is a great guy, I met Reggie too but it's rare for any of us to hang out together. Usual if we all hangout, it's because Ms. Patterson and Mom forced me and Luke to hang out. Reggie and Alex would tag along with Luke and I would bring Flynn just for the sake of not being alone too. There are times where we all just chill and talk and it's nice, but there is never a time where it doesn't end with me and Luke fighting.

Alex walked over to us and did this bro hug type of thing with Luke. We all said hey while I hold a grimaced face. It started to get awkward but thank god my phone started to ring. On my phone screen, I saw a picture of my mom sleep with her mouth open and drooling.

An award-winning masterpiece of a profile picture...

And yes if you are asking, I do this with all my contacts. I even have a whole album of Luke looking like a complete fool in my camera roll. Dedicated for blackmailing purposes.

I excused myself from the awkwardness and left Flynn as she started to pull her phone out of her pocket and sat in a seat to wait for me. Luke and Alex started to talk about what they needed to that seemed so urgent for Luke to come here. But looking at Alex's face right now, the news doesn't seem so good...

What's so important that Alex's face looks like he wants to give Luke a big bear hug?

"Hello? Julie? You still there mija?"

I shook myself back to reality and realized I haven't listened to a word my mother said. Today really isn't my day...

"Ya! Hi! I'm here! I heard what you said!" I lied to her but I knew damn well she can hear me lying through my teeth.

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