my sweet "besos"

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Julie's POV

"Julie.." Nick muttered.

"I- I'm sorry." I stuttered out. I can't believe what I just witnessed. "I'm just gonna, you know." I pointed over my shoulder but before Nick could say a word to me, I ran out.

I couldn't look at him. I thought he liked me at least. We had amazing talks and had a lot of fun. We were becoming kind of close. Was I so dumb and blind to think that Nick would actually give me a chance?

Jesus, I sound like a petty main character.

"Julie! Julie! Wait up!" I heard from behind me.

I didn't stop till I was at the lockers, no students in sight since everyone was at club meetings in classes or the library. I slowed my steps but didn't turn around. Nick gently grabbed my arm, trying to turn me around to face him but I kept on looking the other way, tears stinging my eyes waiting to be released.

"Julie, can't you just look at me for a second? Look, I'm sorry. I really am!" Nick insisted. "It's just I wanted to ask you out but then you were with Patterson so I figured I lost my chance. That's when I met Lauren."

"Hey! No, it's fine! We're not together anyways so you don't have to explain yourself to me." I held a forced smile trying to keep myself together. "We're just friends."

"Yeah. Yeah that's true. Friends, of course." He uttered.

"Nick? Are you okay? Why did you run out?" A raspy voice came from the corner. It was the girl that was hooked on to Nick up against the bookshelves. It was Lauren. Just great.

I swore I heard about Lauren before, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was exactly.

"Hey babe. It's fine, just a little mix up." Nick noted.

Ew, babe. I hate the nickname.

Personally, I love cute couple nicknames. But 'babe' or gross nicknames like 'honey muffin' is where I cross the line.

My thoughts were driven back when Lauren spoke. "Oh alright! Julie, right?" She asked.

"The one and only." I dryly chuckled.

"Yeah! Nick told me all about you! It's great to finally meet you!" She said, "I was kind of hoping for a better introduction than what just happened." She implored as a light laugh ran off.

Okay, so she's not a total bitch. She's nice. I see the appeal, I guess.

"It's good to meet you too. Of course not that way, which I totally get." I had to ask because the question was itching me to say. "Hey, do I know you from-"

"Julie? Where are you?" We heard from the distance as it echoed through the hallways.


I left him in the library. My bad.

Luke came rushing around the corner, a worried expression settling his face. His left arm was filled with his bag and mine. His eyes were directly looking back, a glimmer of shine from the lights reflecting in his gaze. Every time our bags slipped off his arm, he hiked them back up. I worried for his arm since my bag does feel like carrying a bag of rocks.

"Molina! There you are! I looked all over for you!" Luke said as he went in front of Nick and Lauren, not acknowledging them whatsoever. He raised two fingers to my chin, tilting my head up. "Are you alright?"

"Luke?" Someone said behind him. It was Lauren. Her face was mixed with confusion and shock.

It took a second for Luke to realize who it was as he turned to face them but when it hit him, he gaped a bit as Lauren faced him.

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