eatery and explanation

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Julie's POV

As Luke RUDELY dragged me to our tables, we all sat down so that our moms were in front of us as Luke sat at my right.

"So kiddos! How was school?" Ms.Patterson asked to break the awkward tension.

I looked at Luke with a quick glance but before I could do anything, Luke's mouth began to move.

"It was great actually! Classes were boring as usual but I got to see Julie at music so that made up for everything."

He weaved his calloused fingers into my petit soft hands as his smile got wider by the minute. At the last bit of his well-scripted lie, he looked at me with a soft smile.

"I also got to join drama club! So now I get to Julie all the time! Isn't that right, Mon amour?" He raised my hand to his mouth and brushed a subtle kiss.

Bewildered a bit from the sudden action, I tried to pull away but he went on to tighten his grip on my hand. Not in a way to hurt me, but a way for me to not leave him for dead.

Since I had no choice but to stay, I relaxed into his touch. I think Luke noticed because then he started to gently rub his thumb against mine. Something about the gesture made my body shiver a bit.

Remembering I was still in a room full of people, I replied with a stranded "yup."

That single word alone changed Luke's face in an instant from giddy to concerned. His eyes softened as he looked at mine, he mouthed "you ok?" As if he really cared.

I don't know who you are, but you are not my Luke...


Not mine-

He is not mine of course! But-

You know what, never mind..

I just gave him a soft smile and a slight nod. He might have asked for the act, but real or not, I liked the weird feeling of him caring. It was the thought that counted at least.

Turning back to our moms, I talked about what happened in drama club and all of the shenanigans Flynn had pulled.

After a while, we all agreed to get our food since the line was getting shorter, and when I tell you I rampaged that buffet...

We got back to our table and started eating when Ms.Patterson lifted her glass.

"A toast, to you crazy kids finally getting together!"

We all gently clashed out glasses together, but for some reason the toast left a strange, inkling feeling in my stomach.

As my head was in the clouds, my mother had spoken up words I wished she had taken back.

"So Luke, You said that you and Julie had got to see each other during music. I didn't know that you were still in music! How's music class going?"

The sudden silence of the buffet made the noice of Luke dropping his fork echo throughout the premises.

The thing is that my mom loves music and she was devastated when she heard what had happened between Carrie and Luke. So when I found out that Luke was quitting music for good, I just told Mom he quit Music CLASS. He didn't quit music class though, just stopped playing and participating in class all together if that makes sense. Just for the sake of not breaking her even more.

Luke and her were close and my mom was actually the person who bought Luke his first guitar. She was glad that both of us had a shared passion of what she was so eager about.

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