dangerous pleasure

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Julie's POV

It's been a few days since the reception, which means it has been a few days since Luke and I agreed on our 'fake dating plan'...

Over the past few days we texted each other about how the plan will go. We were gonna meet up and plan it, but we thought maybe that could be in the scheme itself..

"Alright Jules! I'm leaving! Lock the door and text me if you're leaving the house! Love you! byeee!"

The front door lock clicked into place, reminding me that mom has left the house.

Phase 1: let the mothers vamoose to their designated location.


Frenchy the Cockroach 🪳 🍟


My mom just left.

Mon Petit Diable 😈

Mama Molina and Mama Patterson have left the premises.

Frenchy the Cockroach 🪳 🍟

Why are you talking like that, Lames Bond?

Mon Petit Diable 😈

Just trying to have fun jeez 🙄

Whatever came to pick me up, my mom just left.


This is why I never text him, takes the fun out of everything...

As I awaited for Luke to come over, I scrolled through TikTok and wrote a bit, just to pass the time. After what felt like forever, I heard a car horn blare so loud outside my house.

I checked my window in case it was some other idiot honking their horn outside my house, but it was my cocky ass of a fake boyfriend instead.

I ran down the stairs and locked the door. I stood at the doorway pretending to fix my shoe, making sure the door camera could see me.

Hopefully that would send mom the message that I'm out...

She'll get the notification in a few minutes...

I bursted open the passenger seat door with a huge smile on my face, excited for my freedom. Though it may take awhile for that to happen, you gotta hope for the best I guess.

"Agent Molina has been admitted into Agent Patterson's Jeep" I said, still taking in my spy voice, I had my fingers pointing up making a gun while singing the 'Pink Panther' Theme Song.

Luke looked at me with an amused smirk as his eyebrows furrowed a bit due to my excitement.

"I'm sorry to break it to you Agent Molina but Iron Man is still dead, you know? Maybe you should let the TVA know." he had a playful tone behind his words as he made a reference to Loki.

"HEY! I was having fun with this! Also my reason for crying through Endgame was very logical!" Though his words were unfortunately true, I climbed in and pouted in my seat since he ruined my mood.

"Whatever cry baby, you ready?"

"Not yet, I need you to give me your phone" I had my hand laid out in-front of him and his face transformed in confusion. I explained that I had to turn on his location in order for our moms to know where we are so we could get 'caught'.

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