recklessness and rendezvous

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Julie's POV

Usually, late night writing sessions would help me brainstorm my best work. But all I can think about is if I'm hungry enough to risk myself to get caught by my mom - who is asleep - or starve myself to sleep.

I've barely worked on the song for Nalini and Adam. Since the dinner with Luke and our moms a few nights ago, I've had this sudden motivation. Now all that motivation went down the drain as I looked at my barely written notebook.

I tried to recall the words Nalini had said about her fiancé, trying to connect with her words. But in all honesty, I've never been in love. Sure, I've liked some guys here and there, but their was that one person I regretted liking in the first place. If anything, the way I liked them was the closest thing I can relate to love.

I wrote and scribbled so many times in my notebook, the page ripped a bit. So I rewrote what I have written on the next page and tried to brainstorm more. I hummed myself the words, just to try to get a feel for it.

My phone vibrated, rudely interrupting my focus. I picked up my phone only to see a text message from the cockroach itself.

Mi Dulce Archienemigo 🪳
You up?

As you can see ladies and gentlemen and
non-binaries, this is a male that represents the fuckboys.

But seriously, really? Now he's asking? At this time?

Mon Petite Diable 😈
Yeah why?

Behind my curtain, a knock strikes my window from behind. I grabbed my old recorder that I haven't used since 5th grade for protection.

I slowly walked to my window, hoping it's just some squirrel hitting my window with their walnuts. As I yanked my curtains open, I've come to view Luke Patterson holding a can of Pringles Sour Cream and Onion Chips while holding on to a branch for dear life.

"What are you doing here?" I dropped my recorder and opened my window, not letting Luke in, until I got an answer.

"Oh, you know, just hanging out here late at night to watch you sleep! What else does it look like I'm doing?" His tone was filled with sarcasm.

"Alright, Edward Cullens, quit the sarcasm. Seriously, why are you here this late?"

"Why are you still awake this late?"

I narrowed my eyes on him. "Touché, Patterson."

I reluctantly opened the window wider, letting him into my room. Not without making him hand over the chips, essentials are a need.

"You are reckless and insane, you know that?"

"How do I not know that? You remind me every minute of every day." He looked around my room before dropping on my bed but avoided crushing on my notebook.

"What's this? You writing something?" He said as he picked up the notebook.

"Yeah. It's the song for Nalini & Adam's wedding. Also can you keep it down? My mom is sleeping and she can't now that you're here."

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