soft eyes and loud silence

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Julie's POV

"Ok...let me get this straight..."

It was around dinner and we were still in the living room, still trying to convince my mom. Ms. Patterson was convinced at one point but my mom was still not buying it.

"So you guys want to see if you guys fit as a couple, and have been going out behind our backs. But kept it away from us because you're scared of how we'll react..?"

Her tone was set in a non-convinced state.

"Yes Mom!" I was so done with this nonsense. All I want to do is go back to my room, lay in my bed and watch Netflix with my secret stash of Cheetos.

But here we are, laying on the couch instead. Luke's head was on my lap as he continued to gently pull on the ends of my curly hair, not paying any attention to the situation anymore.

He has the attention span of a squirrel...

I was too tired to argue and if I did move him away from, that would ruin the whole purpose of this. I just sat at the end of the couch with my left arm on the armrest, letting my head slightly lean against my fingers as Luke played with the rings of my other hand that rested on his chest.

"I don't believe it!"

Everyone in the room groaned at the unnecessary long conversation. At one point, Luke got up and positioned himself so he was sitting in front of my mom. My mom was sitting on the coffee table in-front of us and was looking Luke dead in the eyes.

"Ms. Molina, how can I ever convince you that I'm dating your daughter?" He was gentle but was still tied to sounding desperate at the same time.

"What's Julie's favourite colour?"

The question caught Luke off-guard as my mother's face stood still.

"I'm sorry?"

"If you know my daughter so much, what's her favourite colour?"

My face contorted into confusion at her sudden urgency to know. "Mom, you wanted me and Luke to date for so long. Why are you suddenly so suspicious of us actually dating?"

I know this whole thing is fake, I'm not stupid. Just a little weird to see my mom so protective and questionable around Luke. For my past boyfriends, she didn't mind it at all. She was just annoyed they weren't Luke, but now since it's actually him, she's acting so off.

"¡PORQUE ES SOSPECHOSO, JULIE!" My mother got up and had her arms raised to emphasize her anger.

"¿QUÉ QUIERES QUE DIGA MAMÁ?" I got up from my sitting position because I was so feed up with her behaviour so I scold back at her.

"¡QUIZÁS DIME ALGO QUE SUENE  VERDADERO!" I get it that she's suspicious, really I do! This whole thing is suspicious for crying out loud! I would feel the same in her situation, but she doesn't need to interrogate him!

Luke got in front of me and took my shoulders in his hands. He looked me in the eyes, urging me to calm down. His eyes turned into a green as his eyes softened toward me. Something in me crushed at the look of his face like that.

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