stolen sweaters and stolen hearts

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Julie's POV

I flickered my eyes a couple times before my room came to view. Luke's sweater was hanging on my mirror and the Pringles can he gave last night stood still on my mini cubby next to my mirror. The sun beamed through my window, waking me up with a sense of discomfort for my eyes.

Wait Luke's sweater? He stayed?

Something in my chest constructed thinking he stayed, a weird sense of relief that he didn't leave.

I turned my whole body towards the opposite way to face him, only to be met with an empty side. His side of the bed was ruffled up, his scent of pinewood and cinnamon lingering on my pillow.

Might have to wash the covers so my brain doesn't get any ideas.

I got up from bed and picked up my phone only to have a recent notification from him.

Mi Dulce Archienemigo 🪳
Hey I left in the middle of the night so your mom doesn't walk in us and get the wrong idea like you said.

Mi Dulce Archienemigo 🪳
FYI Alex is driving you today since he has my car rn.

Mi Dulce Archienemigo 🪳
Imma go with reg.

So this is what a one night stand feels like?

Weirdly, something in my stomach sank, like a heavy dumbbell dropping down to my stomach. My head is telling me that it's nothing but for some reason, my chest is telling me something different.

Maybe I might need to make a note of that...

I turned my attention to Luke's sweater that he left in my room from last night. I walked up to it and took it in my hands as I felt the thick, fuzzy material between my fingers. The scent from the pillow remain on the sweater, filling my lungs.

I turned my attention towards my mirror, my reflection looking back at me. My under-eye bags were darkened, illuminating raw, morning pale skin and narrowed eyes.

Jesus I look like ghost.

I looked back at the jacket then back at my reflection several times, illuminating a light-bulb off the top of my head.

After I was done getting ready, I walked down the stairs humming a song off the top of my head.

"Hey cariño, you look happy today." Mom was washing the dishes, glancing at me and my sudden happy mood.

"Well yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know but that's an interesting outfit you got there." She kept on glancing at the statement piece of my outfit of the day.

"Why thank you, I stole it from Luke a few days ago. Well he left it but I'm stealing it for my outfit."

I'm not technically lying.

"Ha ha well it looks good. Just give it back after and don't continue this habit because the last thing I need is your closet to turn into a Luke Patterson shrine."

"We'll see, depends on what he owns." I said menacingly, cackling a bit like the wicked witch of the east.

My mom muttered between the lines of 'Niña Rara', turning back to the sink cleaning it.

I grabbed my backpack after kissing my mom on the cheek, not getting anything to eat because I wasn't hungry. "Bye, Mom! Love you!"

I walked to the door, stopping as my mother stammered with random letters. "Where do you think you're going? I thought I'm dropping you."

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