Chapter 16

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(Chris p.o.v)

-A choked cough escaped me as I drowsly open my eyes-

-Blinking a few times I try to adjust my eyes to the dark room, off to the side a faint glowing warmth cracked through the peep below the door-

-Muffled arguing could be heard from the next room-

???:"What the fuck did you expect me to do Mika!, I can't just fucking leave him there!" -A voice argued-

-Trying to rub my eyes I quickly found myself bound by my hands and feet-

"Where am I?..." -I think feeling a few screws knocked loose-

Chris:"I really gotta invest in a riot helmet...." -I mutter under my breath due to the pounding headache-

???:"That's no excuse!, we're tasked with information not prisoners!" -The voice snake back-

-Getting to my knees I shimmey over to the crack in the door looking through-

???:"Besides!, he's affected by that pink gas shit!, I seen his eyes!" -The Anthro retorts-

-A small fire was going within the room with a few occupants surrounding it-

???:"Gahh!, you'll say that regardless Mika!, we ain't leaving him here!" -The voice snaps back in my defence-

???:"Why couldn't we?, he's only gonna be thrown into some hole for the rest of his life..." -A deeper voice replies-

???:"He didn't change like the others, maybe we can reverse it!" -A softer voice speaks up-

???:"Oooh ya..., and become a fucking walking experiment to be poked and proded what a life...." -The same authoritarian voice calls out-

-I close my eyes for a moment trying to remember everything from earlier-

-Last thing I remembered, I had a gun smashed off my head-

-Suddenly a voice behind me speaks up-

???:"They're not gonna be able to leave you here....." -A deep yet feminine voice says-

-Spinning around I felt my breath pick up as I meet eyes with the glowing blue orbs in the corner of the room-

-The large shadowy figure seemed to pick up on my dazed and confused anger-

???:"General Chloe wouldn't allow it..., she's well versed on Mika's anger issues...." -The voice explains-

-The name rang a bell as I tilt my head raising an eyebrow-

Chris:"Where am I?...." -I ask staring right back at the large figure-

-She stood up towering over me, she took a few steps forward revealing the large wolf-

???:"In a nearby building..., the F.I.A seem to be in a hurry to leave..." -She calmly says

-She seemed familiar yet I couldn't place my finger on it-

-I could see her eyes burning into me with a very serious yet slightly curious attitude-

???:"Remember me?..." -She quietly asked a hint of excitement in her voice-

-Her piercing blue eyes lay hidden behind a face mask-

Chris:"No...." -I coldly reply-

???:"Because I remember you...." -She says stepping closer again-

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