Chapter 43

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(Chris p.o.v)

-A sudden knock at the door erupted in my room-

Chris:"Huh?..." -Sitting up confused my eyes try to adjust to the dark room-

-That's when another set of knocks came, getting to my feet I trudge across the room-

-Pulling some pants on I unlock the door the light seeping in-

-Leaning against the doorframe I look up only to see Yuki-

Chris:"Yuki?..., you need something?" -I let out a yawn-

Yuki:"Good lord..., they weren't lying...." -The wolf says covering her mouth-

Chris:"What?" -I shake my head confused-

Yuki:"You were bleeding out yesterday...., your throat cut b-but now you're okay?" -She basically mutters to herself-

Chris:"Yeah..., yeah I'm kinda fucked up from the chemical cocktail at Iron Jaw....."

Yuki:"F-fucked up?..., Chris you can recover from wounds that would have soldiers out of commission for months!"

-Looking off to the side I rub my eyes again-

Chris:"There's far more happening under the surface...." -My hushed whisper made her ear flick-

Yuki:"Come again?"

-Still walking up I put on a smile-

Chris:"Nothing!, I'm still half asleep here..., what do you need?"

Yuki:"U-Uh..., you have to appear for Lupas Court Martial...." -She shakes her head of the thoughts-

-My eyes go wide as I remember-

Chris:"Shit..., I fucking forgot!" -I quickly ran back into my room-

-Turning on the light Yuki steps into the doorway folding her arms-

-Quickly turning my T-shirt inside out Yuki speaks up-

Yuki:"Chris it's okay!, it's not for another hour or two" -The wolf quickly tells me-

-Freezing for a moment I let out a sigh of relief letting my hands fall to my side-

Chris:"Oh thank fuck...."

-She cautiously steps further into my room-

Yuki:"Also..., take this..."

-Looking at her open palm was another wretched pill from Dr.Silva-

Chris:"This again huh?..."

-Yuki let's out a giggle-

Yuki:"I won't have to drag you out of your room this time will I?"

Chris:"No ma'am" -I reply tossing the day old shirt aside-

-Another giggle left her as she soon began glancing at my naked flesh-

-A small little blush came over her face as she looked away clearing her throat-

Yuki:"I made food in the kitchen if you're hungry...."

Yuki:"You're to take this too...." -She gestures to the pill again-

Chris:"Yes mother I hear you!, you want to wipe my ass too while you're at it?"

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