Chapter 24

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(General Chloe p.o.v)

-Leaning over the desk palms planted on each side I scowl at the live feed-

-A scowl plastered on my face as I await for the team reinforcements I've just sent-

"Chris has proven himself undoubtedly...."

-He stepped up and fought the enemy even while pinned in that little MRAP-

-And selfless act over another drew more liking to the young human-

"He saved Sasha and Alex from a certain fate..."

-But soon the pit in my stomach grew as I watched him be relentlessly chased down like a dog-

-The feeling of guilt and regret flooded my thoughts as I was about to watch this kid get gunned down-

General Chloe:"Cmon Chris..., move it..." -I growl quietly to myself-

-Suddenly he collapsed leaving a blank look on my face-

-My eyes glued to the screen I watch as he looks around for a moment-


-My claws were digging into the table beneath as I feel a lump in my throat develope-

-Holding my breath I wait-

"I'm sorry Chris...." -I think with guilt-

-Just as I thought it was all over for the poor human he suddenly began moving again the camera going dark-

-It quickly became evident that he found somewhere to hide-

-Letting out a breath of relief I relax my claws-

-But after a few moments the live feed made my eyes widen as a beam floods the camera-

-Revealing the face of none other than one of Pythons pawns..., Roxy..-

"No...." -I think the pit in my stomach becoming deeper-


-I could see a blank look on her face for a moment-

-But a look of sympathy came over the Dragons face-

-My Jaw dropped as I saw her disappear plunging the human back into darkness-

"What the...."
(Lupa p.o.v) -A few moments later-

Pilot(R):"Thirty seconds!"

-The helicopter was quickly filled with the priming of weapons-

-Placing the stock of my weapon on the helicopter floor I rub my forehead against the heating barrel shutting my eyes-

-My ear twitches upon hearing Mika over the comms channel in my ear-

Mika(R):"Copy that!, bravo squad make your way to the extraction zone!"

Adder(R):"What's the situation down there!" -Adder calls over the private comms channel-

Mika(R):"F.I.A forces are retreating!, Ranger teams are moving up the South through the south by convoy!, Charlie and Delta team will take the East and the west through air!"

Lara(R):"How's Bravo team doing!?"

Mika(R):"They lost one in the gunfight!, three are injured, and the No-Fur is MIA..."

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