Chapter 36

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(Chris p.o.v)

Chris:"I haven't done anything!" -I raise my hands up as the enraged Shark swiftly crosses the room getting in my face-

-Snatching up my collar I go eye to eye with Mika....-

Mika:"Even while a pet of the U.F you still persist!" -Mika spits with venom-

-Flinching at her razor sharp teeth the shark let's out a gutteral hate filled growl-

Chris:"Go fuck yoursel-"

-Before I could spit out an insult my throat was snatched up by the claws of the pissed off Mika-

Mika:"I'm gonna bite that fucking tongue out!"

General Chloe:"ENOUGH!" -The General barks-

-By this time the rest of Alpha team except Ashley and Yuki were here-

-Lupa, Amber, Lara and Adder stood in the doorway, one of the four with a smug grin on her face-

-That being Amber of course....-

General Chloe:"Mika!, let go of him!, NOW!" -The made sure to glare very deeply into my eyes-

-Pretty sure I could see hells infernal pits within her eyes....-

-With another snarl she pushes me back but I manage to keep my balance grabbing at my own throat-

Chris:"*Cough, cough, cough, cough*" -Bending over slightly I try to clear my chest-

-Wincing slightly I glance up at the still glaring shark-

Chris:"Ahem...., shit you're strong...,*cough, cough*" -Clearing my throat I stand back up straight-

Mika:"For the record General this is exactly what I knew would happen!" -Mika points right at the General-

General Chloe:"Perhaps you would let Chris explain..." -The General says with an annoyed scowl-

-Mika whips her head towards me-

General Chloe:"If you would Chris?..." -The General insists-

Chris:"Y-yeah..., s-sur-*Cough, cough, cough*" -My chest began feeling tight...-

-I could see Mikas face twist in confusion, while General Chloes went to that of concern-

Mika:"I barely even touched you!"

General Chloe:"Chris are you alright?" -The General took a single step towards me-

-Lupa also stepped forward becoming concerned tilting her head, taking a step back I keep a hand on my chest-

Chris:"Y-ya I'm fine.., I'm fin-" -My breathing quickly turned into a wisp for life-

-Stumbling back I quickly crashed to the floor-

Lara:"Chris!" -Lara rushed to my side along with most of the room-

General Chloe:"Get a medic!" -Chloe shouts at Adder-

Adder:"Okay!" -The feline rushed out of the office-

General Chloe:"What have you done Mika!?" -The General blamed Mika-

Lupa:"He can't breath!, Mika look what you fucking did!" -Lupa snarled-

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