Chapter 17

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(Chris p.o.v)

-Sitting by the fire I weakly raise the food ration in my still bound hands to my face taking a bite chewing slowly while staring into the flames-

-Looking to my right I spot Lupa and Lara quietly talking while taking glances at me-

-Lowering my gaze I look back into the fire only to feel the presence of a body sitting beside me-

Yuki:"You holding up okay?" -I hear the familiar voice ask-

Chris:"Yeah...., great..." -I coldy reply not even giving her a glance-

-A sigh escaped her as she got more comfortable-

Yuki:"You're probably mad with me aren't you?...." -She quietly asks-

-Holding back a growl I finally look at her-

Chris:"You were part of the U.F the whole time and didn't tell me...." -I angrily reply-

Yuki:"I had to keep my affilations absolutely hidden...." -I lower my head shaking it-

Chris:"Sure...., you just sit back and relax while you watch me and my friends get beaten and worked to death..." -I say with a fake smirk-

-Her ears drooped slightly-

Yuki:"It's not like that...." -She sadly said-

Chris:"Then what the fuck is it like Yuki!, if that is your real fucking name!" -I hiss quietly in rage-

-Her gaze lowered in shame-

Yuki:"I did my best with what I had..." -She quietly replies-

-I fall quiet shutting my eyes, breathing out through my nostrils I look back into the fire-

Yuki:"I'm sorry......, Chris...." -She whispers before getting up and walking away-

-She leaves the room walking away leaving me sitting alone again-

-Lupa then walks over crouching down beside me-

Lupa:"We're taking you back to base" -She firmly says-

-I keep silent many thoughts running through my head-

Lupa:"Do you have any questions?..." -The Hybrid Anthro asks tilting her head-

-Once again remaining silent I just stare into the flames-

-The sound of distant screaming and gunshots could be heard from my thoughts-

-Lupa stared at me intently, she knew this gaze all too well.....-

(One year ago.....)

???:"*cough*, *cough*, *cough*...., don't you morons get it?, if you think your little group sponsored intimidation tactics scare me..., then you really don't know anything about General Python...."

-Lazarevic steps forward grabbing his shoulders, Jack on the other hand stepped forward with a blank look on his face-

-The Anthro leans back blood coming down his brown Fur-

???:"I have nothing to gain by talking to you..., you fucking No-Fur..." -He sneers leaning forward again in his chair-

-Watching from the side I see Jack smash a glass pane on a nearby window before plucking a shard of glass from said broken window-

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