Chapter 1

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"Current Year 2072......."

"In the year 2047 war was declared between Man and beast....."

"Twenty five long years, man no longer pledged himself to his own country but to humanity alone"

"The Beasts..., bipedal beings with intelligence to rival or in this case overthrow the human race....."

"However it never used to be Man vs Beast..., throughout the dawn of time man fought man, and beast fought beast....."

"However in the modern era peace was established, borders put up governments and empires rising and falling....."

"Humans, Canines, Felines..., Lizards....Fish..., the list could go on...., all of them walk and talk much like man....."

"With the advancement in science all these species fell under one genome...., Anthros....."

"Humanity however pulled the short stick with our genome being smaller and weaker then our larger and stronger Anthro friends...."

"But humanity prospered regardless with treaties and allies....."

"Humanity grew larger and larger in population..., rivals to the total Anthro population as a whole...."

"The Beasts grew fearful..., apart they would be crushed by humanity..., but together..., they were billions....."

"The Beasts rallied together under one International Government...."

"The United Federation......"

"Every single species representative came together in agreement of a single world government where all could live in peace....."

"However when this arm was extended to the Humans..., we rejected....."

"We didn't need the protection of the herd when we rivaled the Anthro race as a whole with numbers......"

"For a few more years the population and power grew on both sides...., as did tension between the two species...."

"Incident after incident lead to anger and hate....., anger and hate lead to violence which only created more and more anger and hate..."

"On a faithful day in 2047..., a beloved political figure who sought out peace between both species was assassinated infront of billions on live television and spectators...."

"It was the final straw for the U.F..."

"The moment Anthros stepped foot on human soil with intent to conquer lead to the declaration of war......"

"Human versus Anthros...."

"Man versus Beast....."

"So many died....., millions perished with metal and lead...., families both Human and Anthro destroyed and ripped apart only creating more Sons and Daughters filled with anger....."

"Generations born infused with hate for the other side........"

"Mothers..., fathers..., son and Daughters...., all fell victim to hate"

"However Humanity underestimated the power of the Anthro species...., many biological benefits were bestowed by evolution to the Anthros...."

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