Chapter 39

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(Chris p.o.v)

-The squad slowly ascended the stairs listening carefully the entire time-

"Surely someone is gonna notice they're gone" -I think looking back at the bodies in the hallway-

-Thats when a figure walks out of the room in a F.I.A uniform the light blacking out their face-

-The whip of a grey feline tail and a cheeky smirk reveals Adder going undercover once again-

-Most of the team were looking over in awe practically-

Chris:"O-Oh?, again?"

-Thoughts of what happened last time we tried this come back.....-

-The conversation we had..., that little moment we shared, you could read it on the little smirk Adder wore-

Adder:"If they stop making clothes in my size and maybe I'll stop" -She plays it off-

Ashley:"You look more shootable than usual, congratulations" -Ashley dryly rolls her eyes-

Amber:"That's actually pretty smart" -Amber chipperly states nodding her head-

Lara:"Got any more of those uniforms?" -Lara chuckles-

Adder:"Eh..., let me have a look" -Adder glances back at the bodies for a moment-

Adder:"Nah sorry looks like they don't  have fat bitch in stock...."

Lara:"It's gonna be a real shame when I accidentally friendly fire your ass" -Lara snapped back-

Adder:"Alright, fuck you fattso"

Mika:"Я в команде с кучей детей...."

Amber:"Pfffft Heheh..." -Amber snickered keeping her weapon trained on the stairway-

Adder:"What did she say?" -Adder asks confused-

Lara:"Amber?, what she say?" -Lara asks placing her hands on her hips angrily-

Amber:"Oh nothing" -Amber looks away a smug smirk on her face-

Lupa:"Мы должны продолжить миссию?"

Mika:"Да" -Mika takes the lead moving up the stairs-

-A set of annoyed grumbles come from Lara and Adder-

-Most of them move past me however I stay with Lara as we ascend the stairs-

Lara:"You speak Russian?" -Lara quietly asks me-

Chris:"I was around a lot of them, however couldn't pick up much" -I admit-

-Yuki suddenly leans in-

Yuki:"She called you and Adder children" -Yuki slyly informed Lara-

-A smirk formed on my face as Lara wears an annoyed scowl-

-With them finding out I'm not a legal adult yet I decided upon a joke-

Chris:"Care to join me at the kids table?"

-Lara chuckles letting her M249 rest on the strap on her neck-

Lara:"Might have to, these lot bore me" -She snickers giving me an elbow nudge-

-Hitting the top of the stairs Lupa and Mika step over the body of the Anthro I killed....-

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