Chapter 33

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(Chris p.o.v) -A few hours later-

-Most of the mining facility was within sight now, ant like figures both within and outside, one massive bucket wheel excavator dead centre of the operation-

-Many other dump trucks and other mining vehicles scattered about moving rock and ore-

Adder:"That main target right there" -Adder points to the titanic bucket wheel excavator-

-Shutting my eyes for a moment I place my hand to my head a flash of entering Iron Jaw passing my mind-

"These beastly earth diggers littered that shit hole...."

Adder:"Chris?" -I was snapped out of thought by Adders two blue orbs-

-My eyes focus turning to look back at the excavator, Adder held a slightly strange look on her face-

Chris:"I'll deal with the digger...."

Adder:"I'll be on sniper duty then" -She leans against a rock getting a better look-

-Her eyes become slits as she pulls me back both of us getting low-


-She presses her finger against her muzzle shushing me, on cue the sound of steps could be heard followers by radio chatter-

Radio(R):"Cliffstrider report in...."

-A sigh left the male sounding Anthro-

Cliffstrider(R):"Yeah what's up?"

Radio(R):"Pick up the damn radio next time!, I'm getting sick of trying to contact your ass!" -An angry voice shouts at the other side of the radio-

-An annoyed groan left the Anthro-

Cliffstrider(R):"Yup, sorry my bad" -He casually responds-

-Another sigh left him as he leans against a treelog while looking down towards the base-

-Raising my head up I lock eyes with the back of the Cobra lizards hood-

-Standing up I gently pull out my dagger a scowl forming on my face-

-Making it only two steps I was suddenly yanked back, falling on my ass Adder crouches above me covering my mouth-

-The Cobra finally stands back up walking away to continue his patrol-

Adder:"No..., not now...." -She very gently whispers to me-

-An angry glare was in my eyes-

Adder:"I remove my hand I don't want to hear a word out of you alright?" -The feline commands me with a serious glare-

-An angry scowl covered my eyes-

Adder:"I don't want to hear it Chris.." -She warns-

-With a muffled huff I nod my head as she removes her hand-

-Peeking back over the rock we see he has moved quite far away at this point-

Chris:"We could've killed him..., play it off as him not answering again.."

Adder:"You must not understand.. 'I don't want to hear it', do you?"

Chris:"I'm just saying-"

Adder:"And I'm just saying that they would come looking and find us, what then dipshit?" -The Anthro scolds me-

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