Chapter 5: An Unexpected Stay, A Wishful Vision, And The Fortune Teller

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Xena and Gabrielle walk into the cabin after lunch with Kira. Gabrielle grabs the journal, and they sit on the couch, " Kira seemed excited when we told her about the journal." Gabrielle says.

"Yeah, she's been researching into our genealogy for a while now." Xena says.

"She got a kick out of you telling her what Mel was like!" Gabrielle says.

"Well, I loved the way Mel ripped into Pablo." Xena says, smirking. "Maybe Janice is affecting her."

Gabrielle opens the journal and says, "Well, let's see how Pablo deals with them when they get to Buenos Aires!" Gabrielle turns to the following passage and begins to read, "After Pablo told us about how Cortez murdered his wife and unborn child, the ride to Buenos Aires was quiet. Janice and I could see the pain in his eyes as he thought about the family he could have had. We then found a small village where we could get fuel and a quick bite to eat. We then were quickly on the road after that. Pablo said Buenos Aires was just two hours away. We knew we were going to stay a couple of days there so we could map out and plan the trip to Brazil, but we didn't know our stay would be longer."

The scene now pans to Buenos Aires. The trio finds lodging, but there are only two rooms available. "I can take a room, so my snoring doesn't bother you two." Pablo says.

"Yea, please do!" Janice states. They pay for their rooms and discover only one bed in each room.

"I can see if they have a cot for one of you." Pablo says.

"No, it's ok." Mel says. "Janice knows I don't bite!"

Janice smirks a little then says, "Okay let go find a place to eat and figure out the next part of the trip."

Suddenly a truck comes flying down the street, and a man is heard screaming in Spanish, "Ayuda, ayúdanos, por favor!"

Pablo, Mel, and Janice run out of the room and the trio runs to the man and Pablo asks, "¿Qué pasa, amigo?"

The man explains to Pablo and Mel what had happened, and Mel tells Janice, "There was a huge rock and mudslide fifty miles west from here. It's covering the only roads leading West of here."

"And that's where we need to go, right?!?" Janice asks.

"I'm afraid so," Mel says seriously as Janice slams her hat on the ground. She picks it up and then asks, "Now what?"

Pablo walks to them and says, "Some townspeople and I are going to go see if we can help. The man said his two brothers got caught in the slide." He looks around then says, "I don't know how long I'll be gone, but you two explore the town. It is magical in places!"

Pablo heads off with some townspeople as Mel and Janice look on, "Do you think we should help them?" Mel asks.

"Naw, let's just get situated in our room and explore this place!" Janice says.

About an hour later, Mel and Janice are walking through the streets, exploring the sights. Music is heard through the streets as Mel smiles at the scene. They come across a stand with handmade men's and women's clothing. Mel grabs a beautiful blue dress and puts it up to Janice, who isn't very amused. She looks at Mel and says adamantly, "I don't think so!"

"You're such a tomboy Janice Covington!" Mel proclaims as she  smiles at her. Mel then grabs a beautiful low-cut v-neck sleeveless red dress that goes to her knees. She puts it up to her body and asks, "Whatcha think?!?"

Janice stares at Mel, imagining Mel with her sexy curves in the sexy dress when suddenly a vision captivates her mind. They are on a dance floor in one of the local pubs in town. Mel is dressed in the sexy dress with her hair in a Latin hairstyle of the day. Janice, who has one of her cigars in her mouth and is in a white tux with her hair pinned back, walks up to Mel, throws her cigar on the ground, and asks, "Care to dance?"

Chakram Reborn: Legend of the Pheonix (A Mel & Janice Saga) (S2E7)Where stories live. Discover now