Chapter 14: Saving Mel, Janice's Fury, Mel's Recovery and Juan Closes In

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Mel! No!" Janice screams as Mel falls into her arms.

Pablo quickly gets up, runs to Janice and Mel and says frantically, "My god! Senorita Mel!"

Janice pushes him back with her free arm and yells, "Get Back! Get away from her!" Janice assesses the wound and says, "It's ok! You'll be alright!"

"I've been hit!" Mel says in pain as tears runs down her face.

Janice says in a reassuring voice, "You'll be okay! It looks like a clean shot."

King Kai and Prince Kato come to their aid and King Kai says, "Let's get her to your hut!" A couple of warriors gently pick Mel up and they take her to Janice and Mel's hut. Queen Nikita rushes out of her hut, rushes to the group, and asks, "What happened?"

"A lone Zuma warrior hit her!" Prince Kato says as they rush her into the hut. Janice, King Kai, Prince Kato, Queen Nikita, and the two amazon warriors take Mel into her hut.

Pablo also walks in, but Janice quickly pushes him outside. Pablo stares at her and asks, "Is she okay?"

In anger, Janice says, "Stay away!" Janice rushes back into Mel huts, looks at the woman she so loves and says, "You'll be okay!" Janice then proceeds to take off Mel's shirt, exposing the wound.

Mel takes a huge breath and looks at Janice, and if something changes inside her, she says in a different tone of voice, "Push the arrow through and break the end of the arrow!"

Janice looks at Mel confused and asks, "Did you just tell me to break the end of the arrow?"

"Dr. Covington, she is telling you how to remove the arrow from her shoulder!" King Kai says.

Janice looks at the group and then back at Mel; she takes out her flask and gives Mel a shot of alcohol to numb the pain and then pushes the arrow through Mel's shoulder, causing Mel to scream in pain. Janice then breaks the end of the arrow. Mel takes a deep breath and says, "Pull the shaft through to the other side!"

Janice grabs the arrowhead, breaks it and then yanks the arrow out of Mel's shoulder. Mel screams in agony then says, "You need to cauterize the wound, then bandage it. Janice grabs the medical bag that Ester gave them, takes out some gauze and medical tape. She takes her knife and her lighter and lights the knife. She holds the heated tip of the knife to both ends of the wound, causing Mel to scream in pain again. Janice tasks her flask, and Mel drinks more of it as the combination of the pain and the alcohol causes her to pass out. Fifteen minutes later, Janice finishes bandaging up a sleepy Mel. Janice looks through the medical bag and sees some aspirin. She puts the bottle on a table, looks at the king, queen and prince, and says, "She might be out for a while. When she wakes up, she will need some aspirin for the pain."

"I will have a healer make some salve; it will help heal the wound." Queen Nikita says. "He can also give her something for the pain."

"Thank you!" Janice says, semi-smiling. The king, queen, prince, and the two warriors walk out of the hut. Pablo slowly walks in to see Mel bandaged up with a blanket on her and sleeping. Janice looks over to him, quickly gets up, grabs him, and throws him up against the wall. "You son of a bitch!!" Janice yells.

"I, I'm sorry!" Pablo says, afraid and in tears.

"Because of you, I just pulled an arrow meant from your sorry ass out of the shoulder of the woman that I love more than my own life!" Janice says seriously as Pablo looks down at an angry Janice, then a sleeping Mel.
"I didn't know that she was going to push me out of the way, Senorita Janice. It went so fast; I couldn't react! She, she saved my life!" as Pablo fearfully stutters.

Chakram Reborn: Legend of the Pheonix (A Mel & Janice Saga) (S2E7)Where stories live. Discover now