Chapter 10: Going Solo, Meeting Asher, Letters, and Visions

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The next morning, Xena and Gabrielle sit on the couch with their cups of coffee. Gabrielle grabs the book and asks, "Question? When Mel and Janice were fighting Pablo, was that you helping Mel out?"

Xena takes a sip of coffee then says, "No!" Xena says adamantly. "That was all Mel."

Gabrielle smiles and says, "She really came into her own after the incident in the tomb! The way it looks, she is showing sparks of you." Xena raises her right eyebrow, and Gabrielle says, "In a small way!"

Xena smirks and says, "I'm glad! She was definitely smart, ahead of her time."

"And classy! You know, in a Southern way!" Gabrielle says.

"If she did get tougher because of me, I'm happy for her!" Xena says. "Now Janice, I see bits of you in her!"

"Oh, you do now!" Gabrielle says, smiling. "What do you see?"

"Her drive, determination, loyalty, and love for Mel." Xena says as they smile tenderly at each other. Xena looks at the book then says, "Let's continue."

Gabrielle opens the book to the next entry and starts to read, "We fled leaving Pablo tied up, but we didn't care, he betrayed our trust. Yes, the innkeeper will find him in the morning, and I'm sure Pablo will tell him that we robbed him or something, but at this point, we didn't care. We needed to get the Phoenix to that church in Mexico, just in case Pablo was telling the truth about this Cortez guy and the headhunter he hired; we knew we had to check this out to make sure it was legit."

The scene now pans to Janice driving the truck while Mel sits in the passenger seat. Mel looks over at Janice and says, "I'm sure Pablo has been discovered by now. He probably told the innkeeper some crazy story. Do you think he'll tell the local police?"

"No!" Janice says, "He wants the Phoenix also. Not only do we have to stop this Cortez guy, but prevent Pablo from doing something stupid with it. We can't trust him, Mel! Not after he tried to steal the scrolls and con us into selling them."

Mel smirks and says, "I remember back in Macedonia, you almost sold out to Smyth when he offered you a hundred grand for the scrolls."

"I was a different woman then. You helped me realize that." Janice says. "You taught me that family and history matter. Yes, we're descendants of Xena and Gabrielle, but we must honor their legacy by protecting the Phoenix and stop Ares from returning. It's up to you and me Mel. Even if it means that we save the world in some way, so be it. Ares will not rise out of this!"

Mel smiles at Janice tenderly and says, "You amaze me Janice! Whatever happens, just know that I love you."

Janice smiles at Mel and says, "Love ya too, doll!" She looks back at the road and says, "Hopefully, we can find a place to get some gas and see where we are. Maybe we're in Brazil now and don't know it."

An hour later, they stop at a place that has gas. A man fills their tank up, and Janice pays him. She walks into a small cantina where Mel asks for directions, "Disculpe, Habla inglés?" Mel asks.

"Yes," says the bartender. "How may I help you?"

"We were wondering if we are in or near Brazil?" Janice asks.

"Why, yes! You are in Brazil!" says the bartender. "Can I help you find something?"

Mel and Janice smile, and Janice asks, "Is there a place here where we can lodge overnight?"

"Down the road to your left." the bartender says. "The lodging there would be a little better for ladies like you."

"Another question. How far is it to the Amazon jungles from here?" Mel asks.

Chakram Reborn: Legend of the Pheonix (A Mel & Janice Saga) (S2E7)Where stories live. Discover now