Chapter 17: Backstories, Pablo's Sacrifice, Stopping Ares and Honoring Legends

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A few days have passed as the trio make their way into Central America. Already in Costa Rica, the trio seems to be making good time. "I hope the Amazons were able to stop Cortez and his men." Mel says as she adjusts her glasses.

"Cortez is sneaky; he will do anything to get what he wants. Hopefully, the tribes have worked together and stalled him." Pablo states. "We have to find a place soon so we can get petrol, and I can send a telégrafo to the Mexican government relaying our location."

"The terrain here is gorgeous." Janice says. "You still have the rainforests, but you can tell it's getting more rugged."

"You've never studied these parts?" Pablo asks.

"I grew up studying Rome, Greece and relics of Egypt." Janice says. "My father made sure I learned all about ancient civilizations of that period in hopes to carry out his legacy, you know, with the scrolls and all."

"And didn't I state at one point in time that we should carry out our own legacy and stop living in our father's footsteps?" Mel says, smirking at Janice.

Janice smirks back at Mel and says, "Yes, yes, you did. And we have been doing that."

"We need to relax for a day." Pablo says. "We have been driving non-stop. The next town we come to, we'll see if there is some lodging. We can rest, get a good meal and relax."

An hour later, the trio comes across a military post. Pablo stops at the checkpoint, and a guard says to him, "Pasaportes, por favor!" The trio takes out their passports and shows them to the guard. He looks at Mel and Janice and says, "My apologies, doctors. It is such an honor to be in the presence of two great women such as you."

"Why thank you!" Mel says using her southern charm."Do you by chance know where the next town is? We've been driving since we landed in Panama; we want a place to rest for a day or two."

"Cartago! It is a beautiful city!" says the guard. He looks at Pablo and asks, "You are a professor in Mexico, si?"

"Yes! I am Dr. Pablo Leon! With the help of these two amazing archeologists, we are delivering a relic to the Mexican government."

"Hey Mack, don't say too much if you get my drift." Janice says cautiously.

Pablo realizes where Janice is getting at, shakes his head in agreement, and then tells the guard, "We are doing archeology work right now."

"Well, good! I hope you discover something grande!" the guard says. "You may pass!"

"Gracias amigo!" Pablo says as they drive to the city of Cartago.

They stay in Cartago for a couple of days, exploring the cities beauty, tasting the foods of the region, and just enjoying themselves. The night before they are to leave, Mel and Janice lay in their bed, reflecting on their journey.

"We've had an amazing journey just by getting on the wrong boat." Mel says as she cuddles up to Janice.

"Yeah, we have." Janice says as she holds Mel in her arms. "We've met a lot of interesting people along the way."

"You found your brother also." Mel says smiling. "That was the biggest surprise."

"Yeah, it sure was." says Janice as she gets a serious look on her face. "I still can't believe our mother would do that to us. Keeping us apart like that out of petty spite."

"Your uncle and aunt raised him well; remember that Janice." Mel says. "Asher grew into a young man your daddy would be proud of."

Janice smiles at Mel and says, "You always have a way of seeing the best of things."

Chakram Reborn: Legend of the Pheonix (A Mel & Janice Saga) (S2E7)Where stories live. Discover now