Lalisa Lalisa Lalisa

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Okay so- Lisa's solo came out recently... I waited some time (okay two days-) to make a chapter about it cause I was unsure how I felt and wanted to choose my words carefully. Because I am a Jennie stan but I don't want to seem like I'm hating on Lisa because I love all of them. I'm basically ot4 but... Jennie I have a special place for. KAY SHES MY BIAS BUT I SWEAR I REALLY DO LOVE THEM ALL. Just because Jennie is my bias doesn't mean I don't like Lisa... it means I hate her stans sometimes tho <:)

Anyway getting off topic, her solo came out and... well let's began...

*Disclaimer: I don't hate Lisa! Anything I say is just my opinion but I still admire she worked hard for her comeback. I'm happy for her* (pls don't attack me Lisa stans lol I already did get attacked on Quora)


First the title track. I will say it's not an awful song... it definitely suits Lisa. It has a killer beat for an amazing choreography. It kind of reminded me of Pretty Savage, which does suit Lisa's style. I was kind of expecting a bad ass concept anyway (suits a choreography suitable for Lisa). The MV visuals were breathtaking and the outfits were P E R F E C T
So proud of stylists. And yg really went all out for the music video.

But... it's not my cup of tea sorry to say...

The thing is... m. I could vibe with Lalisa sometimes when I'm in the mood. Because... it can be a little chaotic... like there's so much going on and the song sounds so packed. The beat was just kind of weird to me, The chorus is just too much for me (which is why I can only listen to it a few times when I'm in the mood). But I guess it fits Lisa. I just felt it was as too repetitive sometimes (especially the end constantly repeating Lalisa... we get it, it's your name). And with the beat switch at the end at the same time... it was just not it for me. Additionally I also think Lisa should have just rapped or melodic rapped because her singing voice is too sweet and princess like (compliment) that for me it doesn't fit the bad ass concept of the song Lalisa. Her voice just contrasted it too much (more so than the beat switch ups) I suppose the song is great to dance to which is the point, so I'm proud of Lisa. It just isn't my style of music. It fits her... it's perfect for her cause obviously she needs a bad ass concept. Though it's just... kind of expected from her.

I mean the second I heard the song title I knew it would be basically 'what's my name? Badass girl' kind of thing and I'm kind of over those concepts from gg's. But like I said, it does suit her. It would have been nice to be surprised though with something else. Like I said, her voice is very sweet so it would have been nice to hear her sing. But I understand we all want a song to showcase her dancing skills... we could have gotten a b side though- but instead we get stuck with Money... 😬

Also yg markets her as the badass swag girl so that's what we get. 🤷‍♀️ they would never allow her to just sing.

4/10; wouldn't skip if it went on my playlist but would never listen to it outside of that. Not my cup of tea simply. I'll probably watch the live performances to see if that's better. The starter and chorus is nice though. Good club song

Money: Love the beat more than Lalisa and style. I love her voice more here, especially in the chorus. But the lyrics make me never want to listen to it again- I never even finished the song because I couldn't. I'm sorry but who told her this song was a good idea to sing? If she wrote this I'm sorry but I just- no. It just sounds like a whole song of bragging about wealth and I'm not for it. Lalisa was already that song so the fact that they did another one with money... no thank you... we get it, you're a rich queen...

I don't even like it when western artists do those songs so it's not just because Lisa sang it. I don't like songs of showing off.

At least in Lalisa it was about confidence in herself and asserting herself as a powerful woman. It was badass. Money was just her saying 'look at you now look at me' all over again in a song. Nice flow and beat... but I just don't like the lyrics. Could have given her a better song to showcase her voice.

2/10: one point for the voice and one for the beat.

For me so far:
Gone > On the Ground > Solo  > Lalisa > Dollar


Seems like yg rushed with all the girls solos in some way... Honestly feel like all the girls could have had better solos if the blinks didn't fight so hard for one... they have about 20 songs and y'all wanted albums from each of the members? No group does that... yg and the fandom just really screwed up the girls imo. The solos would have been better if they were done later on. All of the solos had their issues...

BUT WHATEVAAA honestly I have high hope for Jisoo's... maybe that's a mistake but I honestly do. BE PREDICTABLE FOR JISOO'S! We know what is perfect for her voice.

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