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Nicole's POV

"You got everything? Camera? Backup Camera? Clothes? Toiletries?" my mom continued to go on and on to make sure I had everything.

"Mom. Relax. I got everything. I'm 22 years old stop treating me like an 8-year-old going to a slumber party," I told her so she could stop talking.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm just worried for you. You're going to be touring the world all by yourself without me and your father." my mom sounded like she was going to cry. Please don't I hate it when people cry because I don't know how to calm them down or comfort them.

"Mom, please don't cry. I'll call all the time to let you know I'm good. Okay?" I waited for her to respond.

My mom smiled and hugged me. Too tight! I started to have a difficult time breathing cause of how hard she was squeezing me.

"Mom, I can't breathe," I said in a suffocated voice.

My mom finally let's go and then kisses me on the cheek. I think she is finally ready for me to go. Thank god. I love my mom, but she can be a bit much at times. We get in the car and drive to the tour bus for this band I'm taking pictures for.

*time skip*

There it was. The bus I will be sleeping in for the next nine months. I am going to miss my bed so much but can't wait to do what I love. Take pictures.

"Nicole, the photographer?" a man with a big smile asked me. He puts his hand out, and I grabbed it.

"Yes, I'm Nicole. Or you can call me Nikki if you want." I said while shaking his firm hand.

"Good to meet you, Nikki. I'm Tyler. I help out the boys while touring. One of them is my brother, actually." he said proudly.

Wait a minute.


I didn't think I was touring with a bunch of boys. Ugh! Teenage boys are so childish and annoying. I can't stand them. All they told me was I was taking pictures for an artist or artists. I knew that there was the possibility it could be a boy band, but I didn't think it would happen.

"So let me show you you're bunk." Tyler snapped me out of my thoughts. He took me to the tour bus and showed me my bunk. The bus was empty at the moment. Good, maybe I can have some peace and quiet before these boys show up.

The bunk looked quite cozy, believe it or not. I thanked Tyler for showing me my bunk, and he then went back outside the bus.

I decided to set up my bunk and make it look comfortable and pleasant. After I finish, I want to take some pictures of this nice bus we are on. I started from the front and then made my way back.

I opened the door in the back of the bus and took a picture. I put the camera down a saw a shirtless, tall man with blond hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen in front of me. My God, he was hot. I couldn't help but stare at his defined abs.

I could tell that he was staring at me. He finally spoke up to break the silence.

"Well, this was an interesting introduction," the blue eyes said with a smirk. I could feel my face heating up.

Who is this guy? Another crew member for this boy band? Why is he shirtless? I mean, I'm not complaining but still.

A/N: I started another story. I haven't been motivated to write "Sweet Surrender" as much. Maybe take a look at it, vote, and write a comment. I think that will help me get back to writing that one. Anyways "Touring with You" won't be as long as my first but wanted to write it. That's all. Have a good one!

touring with you | daniel seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now