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*WARNING: Slight Sexual Content*

Nicole's POV

The past couple of weeks, Daniel and I have been sneaking around having very intense makeout sessions. I was actually enjoying it. My feelings for Daniel have definitely grown. But I know this isn't a serious relationship. It's just for pleasure and stress relief.

We haven't done "it" yet, but lately, we've gotten close to doing it. We just keep getting interrupted. I wasn't feeling well today, so I stayed in my bunk, sleeping most of the day.

I woke up and couldn't tell if it was morning or night until I looked at my phone. 6:23 pm, it read. Dang, I slept the whole day. I was feeling better and decided to get up to get some food in me. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips, and ate some.

I realized that it was too quiet on the bus. Where is everyone? I finished eating and looked to see if the others were taking a nap. Nope, no one here. I decided to enjoy the quietness and made my way to the back lounge.

I opened the door and saw Daniel sitting back here.

"Hey. Where is everyone?" I asked him.

He looked at me and smiled. I just realized I'm still in my pajamas, only wearing an oversized hoodie, and I wasn't wearing any pants. My hoodie was covering me entirely, though.

"They went out to eat about 10 mins ago. I stayed cause I wasn't hungry and wanted to be here for when you woke up. How are you feeling."

"A lot better, actually." I smiled. "So when will the other's be back?" I asked Daniel.

Daniel grinned at that question. "Well, they probably just got at the restaurant. So probably not for another hour."

"I see" I looked away. I could feel the tension grow between us. I shut the door to the back lounge.

Daniel got up and walked towards me. I knew what was about to happen. He placed his hand on my cheek. "What do you want to do while we wait?". I knew what Daniel wanted, and I think my outfit turned him on even more.

I was starting to crave it too. I feel so dirty for wanted to do it. I was about to respond to Daniel's question, but he seemed to already know the answer because he started to kiss me. I kissed him back passionately. He grabbed the back of my thighs and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist for support.

I started to unbutton the shirt he was wearing and pulled it off of him. I felt his lip grin when his shirt was off. We continued to make out stopping time and time for some air. Daniel carried me to the couch and laid me on there. He went on top of me.

My heart was starting to beat faster, and my face probably looked like a tomato. Daniel glided his hand up my thigh to the end of my hoodie. He's so good at this. My ex never made me feel like this when we did it. He pulled my hoodie up over my head and stared at my body. I still had my bra and underwear on, but I was still embarrassed. I hid my face from him with my arms.

"Please don't hide from me," he said softly and pushed my arms away from my face. "There, that's better" he smiled at me. Even though we were having a fling, he treated me like I could actually be his girlfriend. I liked it.

Daniel leaned down and began to kiss my neck. He eventually found my sweet spot in my neck, and I moaned a little. He made sure to leave a hickey there.

"I'm going to show you how a real man makes love to a woman. Your ex only knew how to pleasure himself but not his partner. Sex is supposed to pleasure both parties, not just one. You'll be begging me for more after, and that's a promise." he whispers in my ear.

His words turned me on so much. I couldn't take the anticipation. I needed him. I wanted him.

I decided to unhook my bra by myself and pull down my underwear. I was completely naked. My actions took Daniel by surprise. I don't think he was expecting me to be the first one to get naked, plus the fact I did it myself.

"Your turn," I said a little seductively.

Daniel complied and took off his pants and then his boxers. "Nik, you sure?" he asked me before he continued. Even in the heat of the moment, he wanted to make sure I was ready and wanted to proceed. He is so sweet.

"Yes, I'm sure" Daniel smiled and kissed me again. I couldn't believe I was doing this with him.

*time skip*

He was right; my ex didn't know shit on how to pleasure me. "You weren't joking." I managed to say.

"You surprised me too for someone who hasn't done it in two years. You were great. Worth the wait," Daniel told me. We decided to lay on the couch for a little bit before everyone came back. I've definitely fallin' for Daniel but did he fall for me?

A/N: Hellooo I edited this chapter bc I didn't like the detailed sex scene it was too cringe.

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