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Nicole's POV

Daniel pulled me towards the bathroom. Our giggles started to echo in the bathroom. He pulled me in and gave me a peck on the lips. My hands reached the bottom of his white tank and pulled it above his head.

I don't think I'm ever going to get used to him shirtless. Like those muscles and abs! Daniel chucked, "I swear you act as if you've never seen me shirtless before." He learned into my ear. "You know I was shirtless when we first met," he whispered to me. His lips slightly touched my ear when he talked, and it sent shivers down my spine.

We continued to undress each other until there was nothing left to take off. Daniel turned the shower knob on, and we stepped in the shower then closed the curtain.

The warm water began to hit my skin, and it felt amazing. I needed to take a shower anyways, even if Daniel didn't stink me up with his sweat. Daniel hugged me from behind and kissed my neck. I leaned my head back against his chest to take it all in.

Oh, how I missed this. His kisses. His touch. The way he makes me feel. I turned around to face him, rubbing my thumb on his cheekbone. I leaned in and kissed him passionately with tongue this time. My arms moved around his neck, and he pushed me up against the shower wall.

Our heads were in sync as we were making out under the showerhead. Some water started entering our mouths with each breath we took between the kisses. It was a little uncomfortable, but in this moment, it didn't bother me that much.

Daniel released the kiss for a second. "I love you, Nik," he said, staring into my eyes. "I love you, stinky Daniel," I joked. He didn't like what I said and started to tickle me. "Who's smelly, huh?" he asked me, but it was so hard for me to respond from laughing so much. "D-Danial, p-p-please s-stop-p" I managed to let out.

"Not until you take that back" His fingers kept tickling my stomach; it felt like I was about to pee. "O-Okay, Okay. I take it back-k" Daniel stopped after I said that and grinned at me. "I love you, Daniel," I said honestly. He smiled back at me.

"I'm never letting you go again, Nik," placing a kiss on my lips.

We didn't go any further because we wanted to take it slow this time. To be honest, making out with Daniel and washing each other's bodies satisfied both of us.

After getting out of the shower, we got changed and decided to make our way back to the tour bus. I bet everyone is wondering where we are. Daniel held my hand the entire time. I'm glad cause they are so warm and my hand is freezing at the moment.

We made it to the bus and walked on to the guys sitting in the kitchen area and staring at us. "What took you guys so long?" Jack asked with a grin on his face. I hid behind Daniel a little cause, yet again I was embarrassed. I don't know why I get like this in these types of situations.

Daniel's POV

Nik hid behind me after Jack's comment; gosh, she's so cute when she's embarrassed. "We lost track of time from talking," I lied so they would get off our backs.

"So, are you guys dating now or what?" Zach asked. Nik and I both looked at each other. I wrapped my right arm around her face and pulled her to my side. I gave her a smile and proudly said "Yes" to the guys.

"No way! I'm so happy for you guys. That's amazing!" said Jonah. I was filled with so much joy being able to say that. I have a girlfriend. Is this real? My eyes moved to Corbyn, who had a massive grin on his face.

He was right. I love Nik, and she loves me. Man, that dude is smart. We all decided to sit and enjoy each other's company. Jack was telling us dad jokes, making us laugh our pants off.

Everything was great until our manager Randy walked in, and everything went silent. Nik and I were sitting together, and anyone with eyes could tell we were dating. Crap.

He looked at Nik and me but smiled at us. The other boys were looking at each other curious what was going to happen to us. "I see you two have become quite close. I'm happy for you, Daniel. Now I won't have to hear you complaining about wanting a girlfriend all the time anymore," Randy said, and Nik looked at me confused from that last part.

It's true that I've only hooked up with girls, but I would always joke about wanting a girlfriend. The guys started to laugh at the comment. I gave in as well. I guess everything worked out for both of us.

I'm glad.

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