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Daniel's POV

I'm such a cruel inconsiderate asshole. I broke Nik's heart. I didn't realize that what I was making her do was hurting her. I should have stopped this or gave into my feelings for her sooner. Then we wouldn't be hurting like this.

I spent the whole day in the back longe. Not talking to anyone and didn't eat cause I didn't have an appetite. 

The things she said to me last night replayed in my head, "Fuck you, Daniel........ I'd rather lose this job than fuck you again". I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and made my way off the tour bus. It was dark, cold, and raining outside, but I didn't care.

I got far away from the bus so no one could hear me, plus the rain will help to muffle my sound. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed at the top of my voice. I probably messed up my throat from doing that, but I don't care.

I fell down on the ground and felt water coming down my face again. It wasn't the rain but my tears. I'm so stupid. I might have lost the only girl that ever loved me. Corbyn said she loves me, but she probably doesn't anymore because I was such a dick to her.

Nik was right. I just wanted her body, but now I want more. I want to hold her hand, make her laugh, give her sweet kisses, cuddle with her, take goofy couple pictures, go on small adventures, tell her how beautiful she is, give her presents, and most importantly, love her. 

But I can't have that. I don't deserve it. I don't deserve her. 

I cried outside for a while. It was the most I've ever cried in my life. After I calmed down, I got back up. I can't stay outside any longer, or ill get sick. If I do get sick, well, I deserve that too. I got back on the tour bus and changed out of my wet clothes. Everyone was asleep, so I didn't mind changing in the buses walkway. 

The bathroom door opened, and Nik came out of it. Our eyes met each other. I saw her look down at my chest. Of course, I was shirtless when she came out. She quickly looked away from me. She looked terrible and still exhausted. We stood in silence, both of us afraid to speak or move. 

Nik finally walked to go back to her bunk, but my hand unconsciously grabbed her arm. She flinched from my action then turned towards me.

"I know you don't want to talk to me because of everything I did. You don't have to say anything. Just listen, please," I said. Her tensed arm started to relax, and I let go of it.

"You have every right to ignore me. I was an ass to you. I shouldn't have made you feel as if you were my property. I didn't think that of you. I shouldn't have threatened your job to get what I wanted. I was drunk, but that's still no excuse. I want you to know that I hate myself for hurting you. I'm sorry for everything. I've never met someone as kind as you are; you have such a great heart. There is one thing that I don't regret from this relationship, and that is the fact that I've fallin for you, Nik." I managed to say to her.

She didn't say anything. I didn't expect her to. It's okay. I'm just glad I told her.

"I need some sleep," she said out of nowhere. I looked at her and nodded my head. I watched her go back to her bunk and close the curtain.

I did the same and laid in my bunk. I'm done being a player sleeping with random girls. I don't need them. I said I didn't deserve her, but I'm going to try and get Nik to forgive me and maybe be with me again. But this time as my girlfriend.

A/N: Sorry for the late update. To make up for it, I gave you guys two parts today. Also, this story is starting to come to an end. I know sad, but I did mention that this story wasn't going to be as long. Only cause my first story on here, "Sweet Surrender," is my long one. Oh, and after this story is done, I will look back and fix any grammar errors I have made. Thank you for reading! I really appreciate it :)

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