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Nicole's POV

I decided to keep my distance from Daniel and ignore him unless I had to talk to him. I finally told Corbyn what was going on between us and said that staying away was smart. He said that I might get hurt if I tried anything with Daniel. I guess he's not the relationship type of guy.

I guess it makes sense since he's an artist and travels a lot.

The distance has been helping me. I've stopped having sexual dreams about him. I knew this was just a little crush, nothing more.

I was taking pictures of the boys during their concert, and they were coming out great. The five guys are so talented. I didn't realize that I was taking more pictures of Daniel than the others. After the performance, I went back to one of the dressing rooms. And I chose the wrongs one.

I opened the door, and Daniel was shirtless, probably because he was sweating from the show but was with another girl. They were making out. And just like that, my feelings for Daniel came back, and I was filled with jealousy.

This time the girl noticed and stopped kissing Daniel.

"I think we have company," she told him.

"I'm so sorry. Continue with whatever you are doing. I mean, wait till I leave, of course" I panicked and kept saying stupid things.

Both of them were just staring at me. I noticed that Daniel was grinning a little.

"I'm going to stop talking now," I finished and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind. I started to walk fast to get away from the room and ended up outside the building.

I leaned my back against the side of the building to think.


Why can't I get rid of these feelings?

"You seem to always show up at the wrong time. You know that?" I jumped from that comment. I turned my head to the right and saw it was Daniel that scared me.

I forced a laugh out cause I didn't know what to say. I was surprised that he followed me. What happened to the girl he was with?

"So when are you going to admit you have feelings for me?" Daniel asked, and I froze.

"Feelings? I don't have any feelings for you," I told him.

Daniel looked at me like he didn't believe me.

"Oh really?" he leaned him. I've lost count of how many times he has done this. I turned my head away like I've done before.

I could tell that Daniel was getting frustrated at me for rejecting him again, but I couldn't give in to my feelings. This is wrong. But was, does a part of me think it right?

"I'm not playing these games anymore, Nik. Obviously, you want something to happen, but you're avoiding it cause you're worried about not remaining professional. Screw that. I promise I won't tell anyone if you do the same," Daniel said forcefully.

Is he implying that we should sneak around? I needed to think, but Daniel didn't let me.

He placed his hands on my waist, and I could feel my body tingle from his touch. My body wanted him. I wanted him. I've never felt this urge before, not since my first boyfriend. Daniel could tell my guard was down and smacked his lips on mine.

I didn't resist nor kiss back. It was one of the passionate kisses I've ever experienced, and I started to kiss back. I unconsciously put my arms around his neck, and he pushed himself closer to me. I was pinned against the brick wall.

It was hot. My body was heating up from this make-out session. I couldn't stop. I enjoyed it too much. No one has touched me or kissed me like this before. I was in pure bliss.

We finally broke away from each other. My face was clearly red. He looked in my eyes so passionately.

"So, is that a yes?" Daniel asked me.

I nodded my head. Wait. Did I seriously just do that?

Daniel planted another kiss on my lips, but it was a short one. He stepped back, and I was surprised he didn't try anything else. I didn't realize he was such a gentleman.

"I obviously want to keep going but not til you're ready. Just know that I am not bad at it like your ex was." He was so confident in his statement. "I see you back on the bus,," he said and walked away from me.

What did I get myself into?

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