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Nicole's POV

Daniel and I haven't talked much since I basically rejected him. I started to dream about him, though. And not the cute romantic dreams; they were the dirty kind. Good thing I don't talk in my sleep cause the things he does to me in there are intense.

I got out of my bunk and made my way to the kitchen.

"Good Morning, guys," I told everyone.

"Morning," all the boys said.

I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat at the little table next to Corbyn. Corbyn and I have become great friends during the time on tour.

"So, what's up with you and Daniel?" he asked me. I haven't told Corbyn about the two encounters Daniel and I have had.

"I don't know," I lied.

Corbyn looked at me like he didn't believe me but shook it off. "Okay, if you say so. Anyways after the concert tonight we are going to a party. Want to join us?" he asked me.

"I haven't been to a party in forever! Of course ill come" I smiled. Daniel looked at me when I said that. I couldn't tell if he was happy that I was going or not.

*time skip*

I was getting ready for tonight. I wore my favorite black crop top and my high-waisted mom jeans. It was a cute yet comfortable look. I gave myself beach waves for my hair and put half of it up. As for my makeup, I went for a natural look cause I don't like wearing makeup only for occasions like these. I looked at myself in the mirror and approved the look.

I opened the bathroom door and bumped into the one and only Daniel.

"Sorry, Daniel," I said. He looked at me intently. He scanned my entire outfit and noticed the makeup on my face. My heart started to beat faster. Stop it, heart.

"You look good, Nik," he managed to say. I wasn't expecting a comment like that. I was expecting a dirtier response, but it still made me blush.

Daniel looked really good as well. He was wearing a white button shirt but had the top buttons undone to expose his hot chest. He has a chain necklace on and was wearing jeans as well.

"Thanks," I said but avoiding his gaze. I walked around him and got off the tour bus where the other guys were waiting. After Daniel was done in the bathroom, we called an Uber to take us to the party.

We got out of the car and made our way to the party. I couldn't wait to have some fun and drink but I need to make sure I don't have too much fun.

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