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Nicole's POV

Why was it so hard for me to say something with him staring in my eyes and being shirtless. I couldn't help but continue to look at him up and down. What is wrong with me?

"I'm sorry, I thought I was alone!" I finally spoke. "I was just taking pictures of the tour bus. So um, are you another crew member?" I asked.

All of a sudden, he started to laugh. What did I say? Did I sound stupid?

"You don't even know the artists you're working for?" he said while laughing. Okay, now I was getting mad.

"I got this job last minute and was just told that I'm working for a boy band," my voice getting louder.

He didn't seem fazed but looked like he was enjoying watching me get angry. He walked up to me and got so close to me. I backed up cause he was getting in my personnel space, but my back ended up hitting the wall.

He put his right hand next to my shoulder on the wall and stayed into my eyes. I had my hand up between us, and they were touching his abs cause of the closeness. M face was definitely red. I've never been in a situation like this before. What do I do?

He started to lean in more, turning his head and his lips slightly touch my right ear. "You shouldn't raise your voice at one of the members who could end up getting you fired," he whispered in my ear.

An instant shiver went through my entire body.

"Wait, did you say member?" I blurted out.

He grinned. I saw his left hand move to my waist until someone opened the door. The blue-eyed man instantly pushed himself away from me.

"Ah, Daniel. There you are. I see you met our new photographer Nicole. She's quite talented and a lovely lady." a much older man came in. I knew him. He was there during my interview, Randy, I think.

"I have Randy. Nice to meet you, Nicole. Glad you'll be joining us for the tour," Daniel said in a sweet voice. Well, this is a different person.

I simply smiled at both the men and excused myself. The redness on my face was now gone. Thank god. So I guess I was wrong about the band being teenagers. Daniel was definitely around my age.

I wonder what would have happened if Randy didn't open the door. It felt like Daniel was going to kiss me. My face heated up again after those words.

I shook my head. No, Nikki, you can't think about that kind of stuff. You have to remain professional. This is a big opportunity. Not only do I get to take pictures, but I also get to travel the world. It doesn't get any better.

I was walking toward the front of the bus, and I ended up bumping into someone. It seems I'm having difficulty seeing people today.

"God, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention," I said, embarrassed.

"Not a problem," a handsome boy with dark brown hair said, then paused. "Um, who are you, by the way?"

I realized three other boys were sitting at the front of the bus as well. Dang, they are all attractive in their own way. They aren't boy's they are men. I was about to tell him, but someone cut in.

"Her name is Nicole," a familiar voice said. It was Daniel, and Randy was right behind him.

"Yea, I'm Nicole. You can also call me Nikki if you want." I introduced myself.

"Nikki is the new photography I told you guys about," Randy clarified for them.

Randy was talking to the boys, and I was just standing there. I didn't want to walk away cause I knew Randy probably wanted to tell me some things. So I guess I'm waiting until they are done.

I felt pressure on my back. I was about to turn around but stopped myself. I completely forgot the Daniel was behind me when he and Randy came up here.

What does he want?

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