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Daniel's POV

While everyone was talking, I decided to go speak to Corbyn privately. "Hey, man, can we talk?" "Yea, of course." We walked away from the others.

"I just wanted to say how grateful I am to have you as my best friend man as well as Nik's. Us being together is all thanks to you, and I won't ever forget that," I told him.

"All I did was give you my thoughts on you guys. You guys did the rest. But hey, I'll take the credit," he chuckled. I extended my arm out to him, and we did our handshake, then followed in a bro hug. "Just don't break her heart."

I understand why he said that and respect it. "I won't..... I think she's the 'one'". Corbyn released the hug and patted my shoulder. "You saying that shows me how serious you are about this. I'm happy for you, bro. We should do a double date in the future so our girls can meet each other"

"Definitely! Let's get back with the others," I said.

Nicole's POV

After telling the guys and Randy approving the relationship and chilling with each other, we decided to call it a night. I made my way to my bunk but felt someone's arms wrap around my waist behind me. I smiled cause I knew who it was.

"What do you think you're doing over here?" he whispered in my ear. "Getting ready for bed," I told him. " I see that, but you're at the wrong bunk" I got butterflies in my stomach from that comment and giggled.

"Am I?" I questioned him, and Daniel started to nudge his head against mine. "Yes, you are." We couldn't stop giggling with one another.

"Yo, just go sleep in Daniel's bunk already," Zach said out of nowhere, annoyed. We laughed, and Daniel decided to annoy Zach more by picking me up and spinning me around. "Dude, seriously, go to your bunk together. I would like some sleep, please" Zach rolled his eyes.

"He's just jealous," Daniel said, which resulted in Zach closing his curtain on us. "I think you went a little too far; he looks mad." "Eh, he'll get over it...... let's go to bed" I nodded my head.

Daniel took off his hoodie, gave it to me to wear, and dragged me into his bunk. I instantly felt safe in his arms. I wanted this for so long. Cuddles. I'm a sucker for them, and his cuddles were way better than expected.

His arms wrapped around me, keeping me warm. I shoved my head in his bare chest, hearing his heartbeat. Daniel's chin rested on my head, and I could hear him humming a tune. Is he seriously going to sing me to sleep?

"Are you singing to me, Daniel James Seavey?" I asked him. "No, I'm just talking in my sleep" I slapped his chest. "Hey! What was that for?" "There is no way you fell asleep that fast." He chuckled at my comment.

It got quiet. "Daniel?" "Hm?" he responded while playing with my hair. "I'm really glad I decided to take this job. "I lifted my head up, so we were face to face. I started to play with his hair as well, pushing it up with my fingers. Usually, he would get mad at me for playing with his hair, but he let me this time.

"I'm glad that you did as well. You changed me for the better. You helped me understand that feelings aren't something you run away from instead, you chase them. I'm going; to be honest, the day we first met, my heartbeat so fast just from your looks. I thought it was just lust, but it wasn't. The more I got to know you and spend time with you, the stronger these feelings became." he was telling me in his deep yet whispered voice. It was so soothing.

"I want you to know that I dated someone once, and it ended badly. That's why I have trust issues and chose not to date anyone after. But you are the complete opposite of her. You never used me. You loved me." he finished his whole speech, and I was staring into his beautiful blue eyes the entire time.

I leaned in to give him a sweet kiss and smiled right after. I've genuinely never felt this way towards anyone before. There was one thing that bothered me, and that was going public. The boys have a huge fanbase, and from what Corbyn has told me, it might take a while before they accept me in Daniel's life.

Daniel could tell from my face that something was worrying me. "What's wrong, Nik?" I signed, resting my head back on his chest and my hand on his stomach. "What if your fans don't like me as your girlfriend," I said timidly.

"Hey, don't worry about that. It doesn't matter what they say. It will take time, but they will realize that you mean a lot to me sooner than later. I have no doubt. We can keep it a secret" he paused, and we both chuckled from that.

"Obviously, we can tell family and friends, but for now, it will be private. Away from social media. To be honest, I prefer it being private. There are things that I want to treasure myself. But eventually, we will have to go public cause the limelight's will suspect something is going on between us," he finished saying.

I sighed in relief from his words. I feel better now. It will take time. Daniel pulled out his phone and put on the camera. No, no, no he is not taking a picture of me. I pushed the camera away, but he tilted it back on us. This time I covered my face with my hands.

Daniel tried to pull my hands away, but I was not giving up. No way is he taking a picture of us. "Hey, I thought you liked taking pictures?" he asked me, all confused. "I do, but of other people, not me" Daniel stopped attacking me.

I slowly pulled my hands away, revealing only my eyes to him. "So you can take pictures of everyone else, but no one can take one of you?" "Yes," I mumbled in the sleeve of the hoodie he gave me to wear. "I know when people are photogenic, and I certainly am not, "I spoke up a little more.

"That's just your insecurities talking. You are beautiful, whether that be in person or through a lens." Butterflies formed in my stomach yet again from him, and I could feel the heat from my cheeks through the fabric of the hoodie.

I decided he was right and removed my hands entirely away from my face. He smiled and was about to take the picture until I stopped him again. "What now?" he was getting a little annoyed by me. I could tell from the tone of his voice.

"Your angle is WAY off. Here give it to me I'll take it" my photographer side was kicking in. He looked at me as if it was a trick. We were basically having a stare-down with one another until he finally gave me his phone.

I lifted the camera above of head and took three. The first one was us making goofy faces. The second one Daniel, leaned in to kiss my cheek. The last one we kissed on the lips with grins on both of our faces.

After we took the pictures, I continued to lay in Daniel's arms. I mean, I had no choice cause these bunks were designed for only one person. Daniel lightly sang me a beautiful melody he was working on for a new song, and just like that, I was out.

Fell asleep in the arms of the person I love and who loves me back.

A/N: AHHHHH, I DID IT!! I FINALLY finished my first story here, and I'm really proud of myself for how it turned out. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I understand that there are probably grammar errors and stuff, so I will go back and edit it when I get the time to.

I'm not saying I will do it now, but should I make a sequel or leave as is? I don't know, just a thought. Let me know if you want more. Reading and voting on here may motivate me to write a sequel as well. But for now, I have my other story, "Sweet Surrender," also with Daniel if you want to take a look at it. It is currently on hold due to school, but I have been working on it here and there. 

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