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*The next day*

Nicole's POV

It was morning, and I was lying in my bunk. I barely got any sleep last night. I don't want to get up; I want to stay in here until the tour is over. I don't want to see him. I never thought it would be possible to hate someone so much but also love them at the same time.

I admit it, I love him. These feelings can't be associated with a little crush or pure lust. It's love. A feeling I've never experienced and is indescribable. That's why it hurt so much when he said he was going to sleep with another girl. It hurt when we yelled at each other. It hurt when he was going to get me fired. It all hurts.

I heard someone get out of their bunk. I opened my curtain a little to see who it was. It was Corbyn. I needed someone to talk to, and I knew Corbyn could help. Corbyn's close with him, so maybe he can help me. I don't know with what but can help with something.

I got up and went into the back lounge where Corbyn went. I walked in and shut the door behind, and Corbyn looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey Nikki...... you okay?" Corbyn asked me, worried. He knows that Daniel got in a fight with another guy but doesn't know what happened after.

"No, not really," I said honestly. I wasn't going to lie to Corbyn, especially since I've been lying to him about Daniel and me. I'm going to tell him everything.

Corbyn motioned for me to come to sit on the couch with him, and I did. "Wanna talk about it?" he asked. I nodded.

"I'm sorry" was the first thing I said.

"Sorry about what it wasn't your fault. Sometimes alcohol makes Daniel aggressive. The alcohol is to blame," he responded to me.

I shook my head. "No, I'm not sorry for that. I'm sorry because I've been lying to you the past couple of weeks." I said.

Corbyn looked at me and said, "So I guess I was right you and Daniel were seeking around with each other." I was shocked. How did he know? I thought we were careful, but I guess not. Now that I think about it, Corbyn is really smart, and he knew that something was going on before we started this fling.

"Listen, Nikki, I'm not mad about it, and I remember I encouraged you to go for it. I was kinda hoping that maybe you could help Daniel settle down with someone. He hooks up with a lot of girls on tour because he has commitment issues. We guys have difficulty with expressing our feelings. Plus, traveling doesn't help with keeping a relationship going. I could tell there was a connection between the two of you, and maybe it could become something more. I wanted Daniel to be happy and thought you could give that to him," Corbyn finished saying.

I didn't know that. I didn't know he had commitment issues. I get it, though. Having feelings for someone is amazing but also scary. Does this mean that Daniel has some feelings for me, or is Corybyn just speaking theoretically? Like men, in general, have difficulty with expressing their feelings.

Corbyn could tell that I was still unwell. "Nikki, what happened between you two?" he said in a soothing voice, holding my hand.

I was starting to get emotional after he said that. I was having a fight with my tears to not come out, and I was winning so far. I told Corbyn everything. Besides the intimate stuff, he doesn't need to know that.

By the time I finished telling the story, I had broken down. My tears won and were streaming down my face. Corbyn pulled me in a hug to comfort me while rubbing my back.

"I'm so sorry, Nikki, but it will be okay, I promise. I can talk to him if you want me to. I can make sure he doesn't get you fired if you still want this job." he told me. I told myself last night that I didn't care about this job and could find another one. But that was a lie.

I've loved spending time with these boys and doing crazy shit. Daniel and I might not be on the greatest terms at the moment, but I still care about all the other boys. It's definitely going to be awkward between Daniel and me, but it's okay. I'll keep my distance, and this time I mean it.

I nodded yes to Corbyn. If anyone could talk to him, it would be Corbyn.

"Thanks, Corbyn. I don't know what I did to deserve you as a friend. I gave him a small smile. My tears were calming down.

He smiled back at me. "It's cause you are truly an amazing person, Nikki," and embraced me in another hug. My smile grew bigger. I was starting to feel better.

Then the door opened. We broke the hug and turned our heads towards it. It went quiet. My eyes met the man who hurt me so much. Daniel. It was obvious that he could tell I was crying; my eyes were puffy and red. He looked mad at himself. I put my head down to avoid his blue eyes, using Corbyn for comfort.

"Can we talk, Nik" he finally spoke. Instant shivers occurred throughout my entire body just from his raspy morning voice. No. I don't want to. I'm not ready. My hands lightly gripped onto Corbyn's sweatshirt. He looked down at me understood what my motion meant.

"No, you can't talk to her right now, Daniel, but you can talk to me," said Corbyn in a protecting voice.

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