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Daniel's POV

I was about to get in the shower when I heard a knock on the door. Who could it be? One of the guys? Randy? Her? If it's her, I don't want to see or talk to her.

Please don't be her.

"It's open," I spoke up in a scratchy voice that happens after almost every concert.

The door opened after I told them it was open. I turned around to see who it was and it was "her." Why is she here? To tell me that she chose Carson instead of me after I wrote that song from my heart for her. I've never expressed my feelings to someone like that or ever for that fact.

We stood in silence, staring at each other. I couldn't take it anymore, so I spoke up.

"What are you waiting for, Nik? Get it done and over with. I can't stand staring at you anymore!" I raised my voice at her. It startled her, which confused me. Why was she startled? She knows what she did and what she's going to say.

Nicole's POV

Daniel raised his voice at me, which startled me. What is going on? What did I do? This was the complete opposite reaction I was expecting from him.

God, he makes me so mad sometimes. "Okay, what did I do this time?" I gave him attitude in my voice.

"Oh, so now who have memory loss. You know exactly what you did!" The anger between us kept building. "No, I actually dont know what I did!!" I yelled. Every time we spoke, we walked closer to each other until we were face to face.

"Oh, so you kissing Carson after I sang that song for you completely left your mind??" Daniel shouted back at me.

"Wait, what?" I said. He saw that? I mean, yes, I did kiss him but on the cheek. It meant nothing to me.

"You can't deny it, Nik. I saw it with my own eyes. I can't believe you got my hopes up for nothing. You knew who you wanted all along and thought it would be funny to put me through all this pain" Daniel's voice was getting softer, feeling defeated. No longer looking at me.

"Daniel," I said softly and tried to comfort him, reaching to put my hand on his cheek. He pushed me away. "Don't. I'm done. I should have never come onto you if I've known the outcome would hurt me this much." tears were filling in his eyes.

He started to walk away from me, heading to the bathroom most likely to shower. "Daniel, your eyes deceived you!" I yelled to him, and he stopped. "Yes, you're right. I kissed Carson, but it was only on the cheek. The kiss was meant as a farewell and apology because I didn't choose him. It meant nothing to me because I dont love him....... I love you!!!"

Silence filled the air. I stood there waiting for Daniel to say it back or at least something, but he didn't.

"You know what, you're right. Let's forget it. I'm done too." I turned around walked to the door to open it. Before my hand could touch the doorknob, his hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me towards him in an embrace. Daniel's body was pressed against mine, and all the anger and stress we were exerting slowly disappeared.

"I did it again. I'm an asshole. I'm so sorry, Nik," Daniel apologized next to my ear. I tightened my grip around him. "Yea, you are an asshole but an asshole I Iove," I said, and we both chuckled from it.

We pulled apart a little, so we could see each other's faces again. "Not to ruin the mood and all, but you smell" I made a stinky face at him. "Hey, you interrupted me before I could take a shower." "That may be true, but still you smell, and now I'm starting to as well" I released myself from the embrace.

Daniel didn't like that I did that and pulled me back in. "Daniel, stop it! You're all sticking and gross" I tried to get out of his grasp while giggling cause he was tickling me a little.

"I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen. Now that you're mine, I'm never letting you go" I stopped fighting him after he said that, and we stared into each other eyes. "Really?" I asked him. "Really." Daniel leaned in, and our lips connected. He kissed me passionately. One hand against my cheek while the other wrapped around my waist. Butterflies began to form in my stomach. Out of all kisses we've exchanged with one another, this one was genuine.

Our feelings for each other show in this kiss, and I didn't want it to end. Sadly we had to separate to catch our breaths, and I couldn't help but smile so wide. Daniel did the same and placed his forehead on top of mine, and our noses slightly touched as well.

I've never been so happy in my life before. I don't regret everything we went through together. Those things happened for a reason, and I believe it will help us with any future problems that may occur in the future. I hope nothing like this happens again, but you never know what life will throw at you.

"That was incredible, but now I really smell," I giggled. "I think we can fix that" Daniel motioned towards the bathroom, and my face turned red. Well, this is new. He placed both hands on each side of my cheeks. "You're so adorable when you get embarrassed," and he kissed me on the forehead. I smiled yet again.

"We don't have to. We can take it slow this time," he told me. I appreciate the fact that he said that. It lets me know that he cares about me and this relationship and not just sex.

"I do think we should take it slow, but I also don't want to waste water," I said a little seductively and surprised myself for sounding so dirty. My face turned into a darker red. Daniel started to laugh at me.

"I get what you're saying, Nik. Come on" Daniel grabbed my hand, and we went into the bathroom. 

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