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Nicole's POV

I was currently taking pictures for the meet and greets. The boys are so sweet and goofy with their fans, and I love it.

"Alright, next person please," said Tyler, and a familiar face showed up. My jaw dropped. What the hell is he doing here? My head turned to Daniel, and I could tell that he recognized the guy as well. It was Carson. I wanted to run and hide so badly but couldn't. Why was this happening?

One by one, the boys have him a bro hug, and next was Daniel. "Hey man, I don't know if you remember me from the club, but I wanted to apologize if my actions seemed too forced," Carson told Daniel.

Please don't argue. Please don't argue.

"You don't need to apologize, man; it was my fault. I was the one who punched you. I'm normally not like that, sorry man" they went in for a bro hug. I couldn't believe my eyes. They forgave each other that easily.

"That was a pretty good punch, though," Carson said and let out a small laugh. Daniel did as well. "I'm Carson, by the way." "Daniel," Daniel responded.

Carson turned his head and noticed me. I smiled and waved at him. "Hey, do you guys mind if I can borrow Nikki for a second?" Carson asked. "No, go right ahead," Daniel told him, and I was surprised again.

I thought that maybe he would have become defensive, but he didn't. I kind of liked seeing this side to Daniel. He's respecting my relationship with Carson, and that means a lot to me. I think I should finally talk to him after the show.

Carson smiled at Daniel's response then came over to grab my hand. He pulled me to the side, which wasn't super private, but the boys couldn't hear due to all the noise going on.

"What are you doing here? I told you I was going to call you after the show. Are you that impatient that you had to fly all the way out here?" I asked Carson.

"Well, yes and no. My friends and I trip ended up here, so I somehow got tickets last minute to see you in person. Plus, I think I should ask this question to you in person than through the phone," he said.

Crap the question. I'm nervous. I feel like I know what it is, and I don't know what my answer will be, but I won't assume things. I decided to nod my head and wait for him to ask me it.

Carson held my hands. "Nikki, I'm not going to lie. The night we met, I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the club that night and had to talk to you. You exceeded the expectations I placed on you before getting to know you. You are very confident in yourself and say whatever is on your mind, but you also get shy at times which I find adorable. Our texts and calls these past months are the reason I get up every day. I can't hold it back anymore. I love you." he confessed, but I was in complete shock.

"I need to know if you feel the same way," he asked me. "I think you're amazing, and I do like you," I told him, and he smiled. Then proceeded with hugging me. I looked up and my Daniel gaze. He didn't look mad or sad. I couldn't describe the look he was giving, and it was making me curious.

We released the hug. "I'm so glad to hear that, Nikki. So, what do you say about being my girlfriend? I know it's sudden and all, but I want to be with you!" Carson said confidently.

I deserved this after everything I've been through. I was going to tell Carson, yes, but I couldn't speak. Every time I opened my mouth, the word yes was stuck in my throat with no means of coming out. What does this mean?

I looked over at Daniel again, taking pictures with fans, and my heart started to beat faster. I then looked back at Carson, waiting for my response and my heart rate slowed back down to normal rhythm.

I was at war with my head and heart, and I didn't know with one to listen to. So I decided to say this "I want to say yes, Carson, but I'm conflicted with the chance of still having feelings for someone else. It wouldn't be fair to you if I said yes. I can't say yes or no right now," I told him, and the light in his eyes dimmed.

"Nikki, I appreciate that I really do, but I need to know your answer. If not now then after the show please I need a straight answer. This might seem unfair, but I don't want to wait months with these feelings that will most likely continue to grow, and then you say no to me." I could tell this meant a lot to him, and I get it. Feelings are sometimes out of our control.

"Okay, I will give you a straight answer after the show" I gave a small smile to him, and he returned one as well. Carson walked away to go to his seats. I stood there, not knowing what to do.

Who do I really want to be with?

(A/N) As promised, here's another part. There will probably be 2-3 more chapters with this story, and then it will be over. Have a great night, everyone!! 

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