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Nicole's POV

When we got inside, everyone went their separate besides Corbyn and me. I was nicely dimmed in her, and there were a lot of people. The DJ was playing some good beats too. We made our way to the bar.

"Shot?" Corbyn asked me. I nodded my head. I wanted to have fun tonight. The bartender gave us our shots, and we took them. We both made the face that everyone makes when they take a shot. It tasted good, though.

I couldn't help but look around the place like I was looking for someone. Why are you looking for him, Nikki? It's not going to happen. It cant.

"Looking for someone? Daniel maybe?" Corbyn asked me, and I instantly felt my face heat up. How did he know?

"What? No, I'm just checking the place out" I denied his assumption.

"If you say so, Nikki. But if you are, you better find him before another girl does. Daniel tends to be a player at parties, especially if he's drinking." Corbyn said, and I tensed up a little.

Why do I care if he hooks up with another girl? We aren't dating. I know I keep denying these feelings I have for him, but they are just feelings. They will go away like when I had crushes on boys in high school. They soon faded away.

I needed to stop thinking and just drink. And I drank a lot.

*little time skip*

I was drunk, but at least I was having fun. People tend to enjoy my presence when I'm drunk because I'm always upbeat and giggly.

I was currently dancing to the music, and believe it or not, I'm actually a good dancer. I soon felt someone put their hand on my waist. I turn around to see who it is.

"Can you teach me to dance like that?" a random dude asked me. He was quite attractive if I'm honest. Me being the nice person I am, I nodded my head. I made him smile.

We started to dance with each other. He was really good at it. He definitely knew how to dance. He just needed an excuse for me to dance with him. He didn't bother me until he started to touch me in places I didn't want him to.

"Okay, that's enough. Please stop," I said, but he ignored my request. One of his hands squeezed my butt, and the other one made its way to my breasts. I tried to break away from his grasp. "I said stop! Let go of me!" I yelled this time with fear in my voice.

And just like that, he was forced off of me, but I didn't do it.

"She said stop, asshole. Are you deaf?" Daniel said in a threatening voice holding the shirt with his hands. I'm glad he helped me out, but I wish one of the other boys stepped in instead.

"Whatever, man," the guy told Daniel and pushed his hands off of him. He looked back at me. "What a tease," he told me, then walked away to find another girl.

"Thanks for that" was all I could say to Daniel.

"Be more careful next time," he told me and walked away. That's it. Nothing else. I guess he's still upset that I rejected him. Did I really hurt him that much?

That whole situation killed my buzz, and I was starting to sober up. I was beginning to get a minor headache, so I went to get some water. I was starting to get tired now, so I decided to call an Uber to take me back to the bus.

While I was waiting for the Uber, I walked around the house. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Daniel was making out with a girl who was far more beautiful than I am. It hurt watching him kiss her. Why can't I get rid of these feelings?

Daniel opened his eyes and saw me staring at them. I quickly turned around.


Daniel's POV

I caught Nik staring at the girl and me I'm currently making out with. I could see her blush before she turned around. God, she's so cute. I wish it was her that I was kissing right now and not this girl who is a major buzzkill. But Nick rejected me.

I understand why. Her job would be on the line if we started something. I know Randy wouldn't like it. It's not like I want to date her or anything; I'm not that type of guy. I like to have a little fling with a girl, and what better to have one with a girl that's touring with us.

I hope this made her jealous maybe she will rethink my offer of me relieving her stress. And mine as well. I decided to be patient, though, and went back to kissing this random girl who was satisfying me for now.

Nicole's POV

He definitely saw me. I didn't turn back around. Instead, I left the house and decided to wait for the uber outside.

Man, what a night.

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