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Nicole's POV

It's been a couple of months since Daniel and I have had a full-on conversation. Obviously, I talk to him when I have to, but that's it. I don't know if I can forgive or even trust him anymore. He said he has feelings for me, but I don't know if that's the truth.

There are two more months of touring, and then that's it. Hopefully, I won't see him again, but I probably will. Corbyn and I have become super close and want our friendship to continue after the tour. He means so much to me, and I don't want him to leave my life.

I've said that I'm ready to start dating again, and I am, so I've been texting the guy I met at the club that night, Carson. He's a really great guy, and I can see myself dating him. He was on a trip with his friends when we met and actually lives in LA like me. So when I get back, we are going to spend time together. I'm rather excited too.

I need to let Daniel go. I'll admit I was having a great time with him, but I wanted more with him than just sex. Maybe Carson can give me that? I don't know. We will see what happens.

The boys wanted me to take group pictures of them for their Instagram account, and of course, I said yes. Hopefully, these photos will attract other artists and maybe ask me to work with them as well.

"Okay, can you all stand next to each other so I can see what I'm working with," I asked, and all the boys nodded. I tried my best to not look at Daniel.

They looked good. Their outfits were stylish but not too over the top, and their hair looked great as well. Time for me to work my magic and make them even better than they are now.

I began taking pictures. Some were coming out great, but others not so much cause the boys were messing around, but that's okay. I just realized that Daniel miss buttoned his shirt, and it looks distracting in the photos.

Instead of asking him to fix it, my legs moved up to him, and I decided to fix it myself. Don't ask me why I did it. I'm still clueless myself. I put my fingers on the buttons on his shirt and fixed them for him.

I could tell the other boys were staring at us, and Daniel was definitely looking down at me.

"You miss buttoned your shirt. It's messing up the photos," I managed to say, focusing on the buttons.

"Sorry about that," Daniel said. I shook my head. "It's okay, we just started; there are plenty of more pictures that need to be taken," I assured him. I finished the final button. I made sure to leave the top one unbuttoned to expose some chest.

I tried not to but ended up looking up to meet his eyes. Those beautiful ocean blue eyes staring at me so intently. He gave me a small smile as well. My heart began to race just from his stare, so I looked away. "Okay, let's continue," I blurted out.

I finished taking pictures of the boys and was really satisfied with how they came out, and the boys also loved them. Corbyn pulled me away from the group to talk to me.

"What was that all about?" he asked me.

"What was "what" all about?" I asked back, clueless. Corbyn signed and pinched the top of his nose.

"Nikki, you know exactly what I'm talking about. The interaction between you and Daniel. Are you finally letting him back in?"

"I don't know. My legs moved on their own, and then my fingers were on his shirt." I was staring at my feet. Corbyn put his hand on my shoulder, and I looked up at him.

"You know I've supported you these past couple of months with what happened between you and Daniel. But I think it's time for you to forgive him for what he did. I not saying you guys should be together but maybe become friends again? I care about you, but I also care about Daniel too. I want the best for you guys," he said.

Maybe Corbyn was right. This awkwardness and tension between us has gone on for too long. I nodded my head, agreeing with his statement, and he sighed in relief. "Good. Oh, and how is it going with you and Carson?"

I smiled when he asked me that. "Actually pretty good. I really like him. He told me he needed to tell me something tonight, and I honestly don't know what it could be" I laughed a little. "I told him to call me after the concert though" I finished what I was saying.

Corbyn gave me "the look" and smirked. I started to feel embarrassed and pushed him. "Stop it, Corbyn! I know what your thinking, and that's not what he's going to be talking about. We haven't even seen each other since that night". Corbyn started to laugh at me. "If you say so, Nikki."

Corbyn put his arm around my shoulder, and we made our way back to the tour bus. Now I'm nervous about my conversation with Carson tonight. 

(A/N) AHHHHHHH LOVE BACK IS AMAZING!!! I'm so proud of the boys. It was worth the wait. Keep streaming to support the boys!! I never stay up for the release of a song but I did for them and have no regrets. Wish I could see their show tonight but I live over 2,000 miles away, so sad. Anyways as promised another part will be added later today.

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