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Warning: Mature Language

Nicole's POV

"I'm just having a conversation with her. You know what normal people do at a club," Carson snapped back at. I saw Daniel make a fist with his right hand and decided to step in. I got up from my chair and pushed myself in between them.

"Daniel, relax, we were just talking. I told you I wasn't going to get in trouble tonight. You don't need to save me. He's a nice guy." I was looking into his eyes that weren't so blue anymore. They were now looked grey.

He didn't even look at me. His eyes were on Carson. He pushed me out of the way and landed a hit on Carson. Daniel only got one hit, though, cause the bartender interfered and pulled Daniel away from him.

I ran to Carson to make sure he was okay, and he was.

"Is he with you?" the bartender asked me, and I nodded. "We don't accept this kind of behavior. He's obviously drunk. I'm going to ask you to leave with him immediately." I nodded yet again and grabbed onto Daniels's arm to take him out of the club.

I looked back at Carson and mouthed, "I'm sorry" to him. He mouthed back, "It's okay," back to me. We got outside of the club, and he pushed himself off of me.

"Let go of me, Nik" I was done with his attitude. I grabbed his arm again and pulled him to follow me. We ended up in the ally next to the club, away from people on the sidewalks.

I let go of him. "What the hell is wrong with you, Daniel?" I yelled at him.

"What the hell is wrong with me? You're the one flirting back with that asshole," he yelled back.

"So? I betcha before you showed up, you were sucking faces with another girl. Who cares if I was flirting back. We aren't DATING!!" I emphasized the word dating.

"No, we aren't dating, but we are hooking up with each other. And you looked interested in him. You can't just cut me out like that and date him," he said.

I couldn't take it anymore. He was making me so angry.

I let out a humorless laugh. "Wow, so you can fuck any girl you want, but I can't talk to a guy. I'm not your property Daniel. I done." I started to walk away from him, but he grabbed my wrist.

"Done with what?" he asked me. Looking in my eyes.

"Everything! I'm done seeking around with you. All you care about is my body for pleasure. You don't give a damn about me as a person." I yelled again.

"No, we aren't fucking done, not until the tour is over. I'll tell everyone what's going on between us or worse get you fired" Daniel's voice cracked.

I released myself from his grasp. "Fuck you, Daniel," I told him, and it took him by shock. He is really going to get me fired cause I don't want to sleep with him anymore. Technically I could report him to the cops for forcing me to have sex with him. But I won't cause I didn't say "no" to him the times we did it.

You know what? I don't care about this job anymore. There are plenty of other bands and artists out there I cant take pictures for.

"I don't know what I saw in you to make me fall for you. Go ahead, tell everyone that we have been fucking every single day, and get me fired. I'd rather lose this job than fuck you again!" I shouted. Daniel didn't say or do anything. He just stared at me. Didn't think I would actually admit my feelings for him, but they don't even matter now. I decided to text Corbyn to tell him Daniel needed help getting back to the bus.

I'm not helping him anymore. I walked away from him again, called an uber, and got back to the tour bus. I laid in my bunk and felt a tear fall down my face. I was crying. Everything hurt, and I couldn't control the tears; they kept on flowing. I covered my face with my hands.

I hate him.

I hate myself more.

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