For someone who doesn't exist

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She holds the slice of bread with her trembling hands and trying to bring it closer to his mouth enchanting in her mind "oh please not again ....not today again".

She always wonders what sin did they do in their last birth that their son has to go through all these. Well they didn't do the sin in their last birth but in this life. Somewhere they were the reason of his their  son's miserable life.

Finally a voice came out from her dry throat "Winn.... see what mumma brought for u , it's so yummy, come take a bite" and as always he denied pulling the duvet more to not to face the food.

By his repeated tantrums she sighed that she will have to do it again
" Oh come on Winn why do u do this everyday ? I m so done with this"

And that is Win spoke out that he says every day

"mom he didn't come to meet me again. Do u really think I can eat without him ? He used to say that he ll always feed me with his own hands. But look now.... "

"Bright ....if u r listening to me then please come and feed me na .... please where are you ? Mom where is he ?" And then she could see how her son's cheek getting wet with tears again.

"U know na son he told me that he ll come in front of u only when u ll eat properly and take up ur responsibilities properly ".

" Oh come on mom that's what u said yesterday and day before yesterday too. I ate yesterday and what responsibilities do I have to take up huh ? And still he is not coming why ? "

" Then why are you denying today? And you still have so much of responsibilities. You need to complete so much of assignments. You need to get up and get dressed and walk down to your family and spend some time. You know Bright has promised me there will be one day he will come back when he ll see you getting successful in your life and will feed you from his own hands, caress you to wake you up with his own voice and will always beside you".

She knows whatever she was saying is next to impossible to happen as the person she is talking about is in a virtual world. But she has to do it and will keep on faking for her son.

Win gives  her an unconvinced look and completes his breakfast to get up to start his lifeless day.

She comes out of  her room with that empty tray and heads downstairs trying her best to control her tears , as always.

"Again ? " She replied to Win's father with a nod.

She could feel how Win's father is pissed by his everyday drama.

" God knows when our son will be okay back. He is just ruining his life.
I m here working too hard for his better future and look at him. I wonder how intelligent and smart he was in his academic activities".

Win's sister, Tiana adds her voice too "exactly dad, he is just becoming a burden to our family day by day. Even doctors said he is not suffering from any mental illness then why the hell is he thinking every day and night about someone who doesn't even exist ?"

Both of Win's mom and dad look at each other with a defeated and culprit look. They knew why their son turned out to be like this. They knew what actually happened few years ago. And suddenly everything comes back in front of their eyes as a flashback of that incident of five years before.

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