I love you

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They remained in that state for few minutes till bright felt his shoulder getting wet with Win's tears and the moment he let of him from the embrace.m, win noticed that bottle of beer, half empty.

They both looked into the  red teary eyes of each other searching for the answer 'why it happened... only to them?' ,'why are they here?','who are they for each other?' etc.

After a minute win broke the silence.
"Why did you resign ?  And what did you mean by that goodbye ? "

Bright was not even able to stand erect because of the effect of the alcohol. But he could clearly see the pain in Win's eyes and could hear the fear in his breaking voice. Since those days when he felt getting close to Win Metawin made him better day by day. He no more disliked talking to people. Seeing Win's adorable face made his day.

But the day the chaos started he felt maybe he is the reason why Win had to face all the humiliation. So he decided to let go of him. Seeing win suffer like that killed him from inside.

"First tell me what the hell are you doing here Win ? You should be in your class now ?"

" Screw that.... I want to know what is up with you. Why are you leaving me ? Look at you look at your condition. Why did you leave? Please you can't leave me"

Bright couldn't take anymore. He controlled his best to hold his tears.
But he felt his cheeks soaked seeing win shouting with pain in voice.

"Do you still want to be with me Metawin ? After all these ? I told you before that being with me is kinda risky didn't I ? I can't see you suffer like this Win. I can't.

You know I don't like to talk to people much. I literally hate when someone tries to get so into my lives. But the day I saw you for the first time on the annual day of the uni last year, i don't know why I felt so attached to someone. You know why I agreed to teach you guitar ? The only reason was that finally I ll get some time when you will be with me. You will be around me. I feel protected I feel relieved I feel loved when I am with you Metawin.  These four months were the best days of my life . I was not sure if I should call it love but my life was getting better since the day I met you.

But I started realising that making you close to me costed your reputation. You were questioned because of me. And moreover meeting me every evening affected your studies too. I can't let that happen. So letting you go was the best option".

Bright stopped for a moment to take a breathe as he threw out whatever he had in his heart in one go.

" And didn't you think about me once ? What would happen to me if you ll leave me like that? I felt the same too when I heard about you Sir. You were the first crush of my life sir. I always wanted to meet you. The day I met you I couldn't believe the love of my life saved me from dying. I attended a number of seminars just to have a glimpse of your face sir. You were not but I was sure sir. This is what they call love.

I was so scared to lose you after all this mess started. I couldn't focus on my studies because of everyday humiliations, everyday questions about my relationship with you, about my sexuality, about your sexuality. But the moment I saw your message and got to know you left, I almost felt dead. I couldn't take that me loving someone would lead to this. But I don't care about the world now sir. I love you I love you so much sir. I ll kill myself if I ll lose you. I love you"

"If this is called love, I love you more than you do Win , more than anything in this world "

Their eyes were flooded with tears , not with pain but happiness. Before anything could happen, win leaned closer and crashed his lips into  Bright's . Bright closed his eyes and let the tears flow through the space between their cheeks.

Win held Bright's waist tightly as if he won't let go of him ever. Bright couldn't stop but moan in ecstasy what he felt Win's tongue licking his lower lip. He wrapped his arms around his neck as his legs were getting weak when win slipped his tongue inside his mouth.

Win could feel the effect of the beer while licking every area inside and sucking his tongue. They let go of each other's lips for a while to take some air they lacked. Then Win felt dizzy because of the strong beer and so felt Bright.

Win pulled bright again closer by his collar and their lips collided again. The next moment bright pulled away as he could feel the growing bulge down. Win felt that too.


"Don't call me sir anymore. I want you to call me by my name "

"Bright  is there any house or empty cottage around ?"

Bright pointed his fingers towards right at a small cottage looking empty. It looked like a small room with no owner.

"See over there "

The next moment Win held bright's wrist and ran towards that hut. It was almost dark so they guessed no human had seen them.

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