End of flashback

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Win refused to believe that. All these five years he denied that bright had gone leaving  him alone.
Because of this reason his father made his mind to believe that bright is still there with him. He has promised that he ll come back to him when he ll become achieve great success in his life.

His parents always wanted the best for their son. They thought maybe seperating them apart will help him. Maybe making win forget bright would be the best. However unfortunately his condition has become evidently worst.

It has been five years since they have seen win smiling and talking cheerfully. They were so done with this. They thought maybe bringing back his sister home would do something but it didn't make any difference.

Win's father was tired now. Tired of seeing his son dying like this, tired of seeing his wife crying every night for her son, tired of all those lies.
He had to do something now. He thought maybe it's not that late, he can still do something. He asked his wife

"Maybe the decision we took five years before is the cause of all this"

" I m so done with this please tell me what can I do? We have set everything up again by anyhow. I can't see my son like this, not even a day more. "

"The only best option that will bring back those days is....call him"

"Call him?"

"Yess find him. Let's try to undo the mistake. That's was our mistake Dan. Our decision was the mistake"

"Even Win's psychiatrist said the same but.....how ?"

"That's what we have to do"

They were determined by now that they will do anything to bring back his son's smile.

That night Win's father wrote a letter. The letter had no address as it was not needed.

"I m sorry. I m really sorry for my decision. I admit I m the reason of everything. Please save my son. I m ready to accept all punishments you want to give me. Just come back and save him"

- Win's dad.

The next day when got out of the room , he saw her mother running to him with a cheerful smile.

"Win win win my son there is a bigggggg good news for you."

"Good news ?"

" Bright is coming back "

Win couldn't believe her words. His eyes widened with cheer. Though he was mad at him but he felt his heart beating with relief that his longing to see him will finally end.  His mother was on cloud nine deep inside that she finally could see Win jumping in happiness for the first time.

" When mom when ?"

" He said that he is coming back to meet you , but he has asked you to promise something "

" What promise ? I ll do anything for him."

" There will be an open school   Olympiad exam held for students the next month. As you know Bright promised to come back when he ll be done with making the best future for you two. He had worked so hard for you Win. Now you have to do it. Now you have to work hard for this whole month a lot to get on the top rank. And bright will be standing next to you cheering for you "

" That's where you go again Mae. You have said these kind of lines thousands of times now Mae. Stop it "

"Those were promises win but this is the news by none other than bright. He said he has set everything. He proved his love to the whole world and the whole world is waiting for you two."

Five years ago, win was hospitalized for having high fever for weeks. His brain had become that weak that he could be able to believe anything that he would be told. When he denied to believe about his death. His doctor suggested his father to say him something that he wanted to happen. So his father said those lines and Win accepted it as the truth

" Bright felt very bad seeing you facing all these. So he has gone way too far to make the whole world understand how strong you guy's  love is and will come back after setting the best future for you two "

The first question that Win asked was not 'where he has gone'   but
'when he ll come' .

"At night at 2:06 one day as that was the timing when you both saw each other the last time. So you will create your new  better life together at this time too "

A normal person may call all this nonsense. But  his parents were stunned that  how their son  easily believed those vague lines without even one question for five years. That's how weak his brain became due to getting away from bright. Or maybe that's how strong his love was for bright.

"What if this promise also...."

"Then I ll take you to bright at any cost. I ll not let him ditch us this time. We are fed up now"

With that firm voice of his mother, win really thought that maybe this time this is really going to happen.

"Okay I ll bring the top marks but if he doesn't come then you better not forget your promise or else I ll run away from the house"

"I ll make you run away and go to him Win but you have to do it too okay "

"Yess I ll start my studies from now. Gotta go bye mom "

He hugged his mom maybe  for the first time after these years and rushed back to his room with excitement  that he didn't notice his father had his doctor standing in the hall.

"Maybe your idea will work doctor"

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