That night

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Win's father couldn't stop his steps to run to him and hug him. He hugged bright tightly as if he was hugging his own son. Or maybe the savior of his son.

" How are you bright ?"

"How is he uncle ? And what is this you have written in the letter"

" He is not okay bright. He has forgotten to smile for five years. He has forgotten to live bright. He just wants you bright. Please come with me"

"What ? For five years ? What are you saying ? But you said he was doing good when I met you last time few years back.  He got a job too. But now this ? What do you mean uncle ? Tell me ?"

"I lied to you bright. I am really sorry for my sin. I m the reason my son turned out to be like this "

Win's father fell down on the ground unable to stop his tears. He joined his hands asking bright to forgive him for whatever he did. Bright gave him a hand to get up. He made him sit on the bed.

" I am living in Phuket now. I try to come here or to my old house to live my memories with Win again. I found your letters at the gate of my old house and now these. I couldn't understand what you meant and now you are saying all this. Please tell me what has happened to my Win"

" The next day after that night , Win refused to believe in our words. He was having high fever. The doctor said he has not got any problem. His mind has just become occupied by the pain of losing you. His mind became weak. I thought maybe forgetting you will help him become better. But no. Every day, every night, the only name he had in his mouth was yours. Such that we had to make fake promises that he ll get to meet you if he eats properly, studies properly. He had not even smiled, not even hugged his mother, not talked to his parents nicely, and the most surprising he refused to even sleep for years. I never even imagined everything will turn out like this. I never thought anything will become so complicated. In the hospital when we had to compel him that you have gone too far to make a perfect future for you two. His brain was like that of a small child that he easily believed our words by the fact that you ll come back one day. Now its the time bright . please I m begging you. Take him far away with you from this wicked father to a better world and give him back all happiness which he can only get when you ll be with him "

Bright felt his body numb for a while. His eyes were red with anger for what had happened to his Win  and watery for the pain his Win had gone through  by now.

" So you saw your son is suffering for five years only now. You were the one who told me that he is doing so well in his life when I came to meet you after few days of that night. I felt relieved when I heard that you know. I was not able to forget him. So I always came here feel his virtual presence. I tried to live few days in my old house too where I spent my happy four months with him , even in that University cheerleading room where I met him for the first time. I  always believed that he is happy as the way you said. And now ?  What's killing me from inside the most is I came here every month, I was around my Win but still I was completely blind to what he was going through for years. I never got to see him for years just because you asked me to not to "

He felt his voice rising on that old man who was crying his heart out.

" Don't you remember uncle you were the one who promised me that night  that he ll be happy in his life. You told me  that the only way was to make Win's life normal was me letting him go , letting him forget me , breaking us apart each other . Have you forgot what happened that night ?"

Suddenly with his words Win's father felt the whole scene of everything happened that night five years ago flashing in front of his eyes.

Five years back

When bright saw Win had already felt asleep on his shoulder , he looked at the time in his mobile phone. It was 2:06 am. He placed him carefully on the bed making sure not to wake him up then he heard a knock on the door. He wondered who can be at this time.
It was the same person who abandoned his son for his son loved a man.


"I have come here for Win "

Bright felt the urge to say out 'no' loud but he couldn't.

" Bright, his life was way better before he met you. You can see how he is being humilated now , this may cost his career too as his studies is being hampered too. Bright, Win is our only son. I am not against your love but I can see your love is affecting many lives and many relationships. You love him right. Then you ll definitely do anything for his happiness ? The only way is let him go. I know you don't want to believe. But all this mess can only be solved when you guys will go back to that life when you didn't know each other "

His fell on his knees begging him.

Bright somewhere felt that again too that maybe  their love is actually costing Win's career. He is being discarded by the society. And he didn't want this to happen.

" I have never loved anyone more than Win. I can even give up my life more him. I don't want to break away from him. I really don't. But I don't want him to cry for the insults for being with me in the future. He is very precious uncle. "

He broke down when he tried so hard to speak those lines which he might regretted his whole life
" Y -you take him uncle. But promise me. You ll never let a single drop fall from his eyes. You ll keep  My Win happy "

"Obviously. I promise you I ll keep him very happy. More than you ll do. And he will be "

With these words. His father left to outside to wait outside beside the car waiting for bright to bring Win.

Meanwhile , Bright placed his head on Win's chest for he knew he had very less time to spend with his World. He could hear his heart beats. He was unable to form words as he was crying his heart out. He moved his gently on those soft hairs of that sleeping man, which he felt maybe the last time of their physical touch.

"I love you Win. I love you. Be happy. I love you..."

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