Kiss Me Under Electric Stars

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-Kiss Me Under Electric Stars-

"And God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young.

It's hunting season and this lamb is on the run.

We're searching for meaning...

But are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?"

-Lost Stars-Keira Knightley-

7th of July 2012

The Oak tree had a comforting smell. With my face pressed up against the mossy trunk, I swung my legs and inhaled the scent. The sun was like a warm blanket on my body, the bark etching it's pattern against my skin. I listened to the wind as it sailed through the heavy green leaves and the sound of conversation below me. I was hiding. To be honest I wasn't trying very hard though. Maybe it was because I wanted to be found. If anyone tried hard enough they would spot me in the branches of the Oak tree at the bottom of our garden. Which was probably why I could see Jamie walking at a steady and purposeful pace towards me, two beers in his hands. Above him, up the slope of the garden people mingled, not too many, but enough to make me want to get away. It was Nick's birthday party. It had been decided a few days ago that Alex had the best barbecue and that meant the small gathering was to be held at our house. There was no reason for me to object back then and even now I was happy they were here. I was also having one of my days where everything felt a bit shit. Of course I didn't want anyone to see this, lest I ruin Nick's birthday, hence my choice in taking refuge up the tree. I liked the tree very much. It had become a prominent thing in my life here now. So far we'd been here for just over a month and things were really great. Of course it was a little hard getting used to everything, the new social etiquettes and all that. Plus being under age really, really sucked. Three times now I stayed back here, while Al went out with his mates and went to a club or something. I honestly didn't mind him going, in fact I was glad he did sometimes, we all needed space, but it would have been better if I could at least go out with my friends sometimes. Our time was spent mostly between our home and the studio, and this Al and I did together. We needed space sometimes. Then again, I was always extremely happy when we met afterwards. Even if he was so drunk he couldn't stand up properly.

Jamie was now directly below me and I looked between my legs to where he was looking up at me, "You gonna come down?" I shook my head and I saw him sigh, before putting down the bottles against the roots and grabbing onto one of the branches near his chest. With a gruff noise he pulled himself up and continued to climb up to my perch, moss and twigs falling down under him. I couldn't help smiling. When he had settled himself as comfortably as was possible on a branch opposite me, he stayed silent for a while before taking a breath and turning to me, "You alright?"

I shrugged, looking away from his eyes, "I'm alright."

"Just one of those days?"

I nodded, feeling slightly guilty. Why did I have to get them, today of all days, "I just needed some space." I looked up and added, "But I'm glad you're here."

He smiled, running his hand through his short hair, "Well I thought you looked a bit lonely."


"An' thank you for sortin' this out for Nick, I know he appreciates it."

I dismissed his praise with a flick off my hand, "I didn't do much Jamie, don't exaggerate."

He shook his head, "Rhea, you got all the drinks an' cooked all the other food for the evenin' meal. The only thing we're doing is eatin' an' drinkin', plus making a few burgers an' stuff."

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