You Got Me Baby, Are You Mine?

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-You Got Me Baby, Are You Mine?-

"I guess what I'm trying to say is I need the deep end

Keep imagining meeting, wished away entire lifetimes"

-3rd February 2012-

I zipped my suitcase shut, hopefully for the final time, and stood up straight. So this was it. I was really doing it. My cab was due any minute and I was finally, finally, packed and ready to go. I was so fucking nervous my hands were shaking and I had to sit back down on the side of my neatly made bed.

I had booked my flight to Paris as soon as was physically possible, and then waited for the time to come when I was to pack and start my journey to meet Alex. Today my mind had been completely accompanied by Alex, making my attention span extremely short, and let me tell you, I got shouted at more today than I have even in my entire time at Circus Space. My excuse was that it was the weekend, and I was looking forward to the break. Many of my teachers had given me a skeptical look, but had decided not to pry, knowing that my ability to shut them out was legendary. After the day had finished, I had rushed back home, triple checked my packing and called a taxi in preparation for my escape. I mean journey.

I looked out of my bedroom window and heard Jade's laughter as it floated up from downstairs. Jade had been brilliant in calming me down and helping me pack. As soon as I was back in London, I had phoned her up and apologized, telling her everything. She had told me off, as I knew she would, for pushing Alex away, but had also been sympathetic to my struggle and given me a huge hug when we had met the next day. She was now somewhere downstairs talking to Sally who had arrived a little while back. I had told Sally that I was just going to Paris to have a little break and she had insisted on paying for my taxi to Heathrow. I loved Sally a lot, she had been extremely supportive in my decisions, however she had the tendency to gossip, and right now I didn't want my life talked about with her multiple old lady friends.

My bedroom door opened and I looked up.

"You ready? Your cab just arrived." Jade said as she sat down next to me. Her frizzy blonde hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, small springs of hair arrowed out from her temples. She looked brilliant.

I nodded slowly and then jumped up, flicking my hair off my shoulder, "Yep. Help me take my stuff down will you?"

She shook her head at me, "Yes, of course, just, take a breath Rhea."

I raised my hands above my head and breathed in, letting the breath out as my arms came down. As soon as my hands were back down by my sides, I grabbed my black suitcase and bag, putting it over my shoulder.

I looked over behind me, back to where Jade was still sitting on my bed, "Come on lazy bum, grab that bag will you."

I turned back around and opened the door with my leather clad foot, stumbling through and out onto the landing. I made my way down the landing and then the stairs, into the hallway where Sally was waiting for me.

Sally was a tiny women who just about came up to my shoulder, she had a cloud of white and gray hair which she kept wazy, pulling it back with a couple pins. Her bright pink lips stretched into a smile, revealing strong white teeth, "Are you all packed Darling?"

I smiled gently back at her, hearing Jade coming down the stairs behind me, "Yes, although knowing me, I've probably forgotten something."

She nodded in agreement, her old face crinkling up in laughter. Sally turned and opened the door for me, revealing the waiting taxi. I walked out and the cab driver pulled open the boot for me, where I dumped my suitcase. I turned back out of the way as Jade placed my other small bag next to the it.

Well, We're Not Alone Now - Book One - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now