I Can Make You Fall For Me, It's a Little Trick of Mine

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- I Can Make You Fall For Me, It's a Little Trick for Mine -

"I can't explain but I want to try

There's this image of you and I

And it goes dancing by in the morning and in the night time"

18th Of December 2011

I had been watching the same cloud change from one creature to another for awhile now, chin resting on my knuckles, while my other was wrapped around a steaming cup of coffee. I was waiting for Alex to carry on with what he had been saying before a robin on the tree outside had distracted him. After we had, had breakfast, a rather delicious one if I say so myself, Alex and I had sat with steaming mugs in our hands and chatted. It had started off as a rather innocent conversation, as I explained what I was doing here in London. Of course when I finished explaining why I had decided to do a Foundation Degree in the Circus Arts, it was his turn. Until now Al had never mentioned that he was in a band at all, so I was surprised when he started to talk about it so easily. I had previously thought that it was something he avoided talking about, something he wanted to hide when he talked to new people. I mean, god know's he'd probably talked about it enough in interviews. However, he launched into it with ease and a heartwarming passion, telling me stories of previous tours and shows. I laughed hard when he told me about the time he got stuck in the loo at the NME Awards. Apparently the other guys will never let him forget it. Some of them I knew the press would have a field day about if they found out, and I was touched that he obviously felt safe to tell me some of the band's dirty little secrets. What I found rather interesting, was that he never talked about Alexa, or any of his previous relationships while touring. I did recall seeing pictures, that surfaced about 3 months ago, that made it quite obvious that Al was in a relationship with one of those LA actress/models. I think her name was Ariella or something. However, judging by how quickly the pictures disappeared of them, I came to the conclusion that the relationship didn't last long. My suspicions were proven true when Alex started to talk about this year's tour which the Arctic Monkeys had just about ended.

Alex had been sitting for a little while now, just looking out of the windows. I had been trying my best not to stare, however I failed quite miserably, so I stared anyway, Alex was completely oblivious. The emotions that he made me feel scared me. I was afraid of what this was, what it could be. I had not been the most fortunate in love, and in my 19 years, well, lets just say that I had, had my fair share of heartbreak. After a while Alex drew in a breath and started to speak again. "This tour has been one of the 'ardest I think. Obviously our first ever tour were extremely difficult, as we were all so new to it. We missed our families an' friends, our girlfriends, but at the end of the day it was ok, we, like, got into the swing of things. I suppose with this one, I were gettin' over, well, bein' dumped." He turned towards me at this point and gave a half smile. "You know of Alexa Chung right?" I nodded my head, not wanting to break this bubble with my voice, "Well, as you probably know, I were with her for a long time, she 'elped me to cope with the new, urm, world that I 'ad been thrust into. I 'm positive that if it weren't for her I would 'ave gone off the rails a long time ago. I owe her a lot. An' at the same time I owe her nothin' at all" Al looked down at his hands that were wrapped around a blue and white striped mug. "Well she cheated on me. I won't say with who it were with, an' I don't think anybody else knows, except our closest friends. To say the least, I took it very bad. I relied on 'er a lot you see. At first I were angry, very angry, an' I think that's what 'elped me power through the first few months of this year's tour. An' then I met Ariel an' she were everythin' Alexa wasn't. But I couldn't give Ariel what she needed, I were still so fookin' hung up on Alexa. So that finished quickly, I wish it 'adn't, but in the end, we can't really control how we feel." He stopped there and gave me an embarrassed look. "Sorry, I don't know where this is all comin' from..."

Well, We're Not Alone Now - Book One - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now