Stained Glass Window

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-Stained Glass Window-

"When the rain is blowing in your face,

And the whole world is on your case,

I could offer you a warm embrace

To make you feel my love"

-14th/15th February 2012-

I bowed my head to the wind, and walked through it as it whistled down the busy street. My long overcoat whipped around my legs, that were clad in my skin coloured aerial tights. I was wearing nothing but my leotard, tights, coat and my Doc Martens. The coat was open, and yet I was still hot. My head throbbed, my breathing was fast, my stomach unstable. I ignored yet another questioning look from the person next to me, as I waited to cross the road, where cars rushed past, making me dizzy. Why now? I should have known this would happen. The last couple of days I had been feeling better than I had for a long time, but now I knew it was just the quiet before the storm.

I was on my way to meet Alex, as I had only just finished my day of training. We planned to go out tonight, as guess what, it was Valentine's Day, and now my stupid immune system was going to mess it all up. I was nearly there, I could see the lights spilling from the pub where we had arranged to meet. My feet quickened, and I licked my lips, tasting my lipstick against my tongue. Strawberry. When I had left Circus Space, I was feeling fine, however as I had rushed to be on time, I started to feel extremely peculiare. Now I had the overwhelming urge to just lie down, and sleep.

I looked up again, and brushed past a couple in matching suits. Shit. Oh god not now. Please. The barrels of cameras pointed at his face, as he leant up against the post outside the pub. But it wasn't a pub. No, it was a very fine looking club, exactly where photographers knew to look for well known faces. Fuck. I slowed when I neared them, hoping they wouldn't recognise my face, I hadn't been around for that long after all. My hopes were dashed, as a small weasel of a man happened to look in my direction. The irritable clicking reached my ears, and I knew I had been captured. Alex saw me at this point, and stepped down from the steps of the place, holding half a cigarette in his hands, taking off his shades with the other. I raised my eyebrows irritably at him as he neared. He had known this wasn't just a pub, and the least he could have done is told me. I swayed slightly, and a look of worry flashed across his face. He reached for me as soon as he was close enough, and I gratefully fell into his arms, but was careful not to make the movement too big. His lips looked for mine, and I automatically turned my head to meet his, letting myself briefly fall into nothing. He broke away, and took one last drag of his fag, then chucked it to the side, narrowly missing a photographer that was getting too close. There was only two of them, but I shrunk from their gazes.

"You alright love?" He said quietly, pulling me in the direction of home and hailing for a cab at the same time.

I hung onto him, "No. I don't feel very well. At all."

He frowned down at me, "You're very hot."

I nodded, "I feel like I'm on fire. Hence the state of undress."

He laughed, and moved his arm so it was inside my coat and around my waist, "Well either way, you look way too fookin' sexy for my likin'. Those photographers got to see way more than I would 'ave liked."

"You knew there was going to be a chance of photographers. That's quite a well known place Al."

"I didn't realise they would appear so quickly. I only jus' got 'ere in the last twenty minutes."

I sniffed, and coughed, "Yeah well." I coughed again, and he gave me a small squeeze with his hand, then kissed my cheek. I smiled, "So how's Matt?".

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