All You People Are Vampires

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-All You People Are Vampires-

"I ain't got no dollar signs in my eyes that might be a surprise but its true

I'm not like you and I don't want your advice or your praise or to move in

the ways you do, and I never will"

-4th February 2012-

Brea's arm is looped through mine, and the other through Matt's muscular one. She's flicking through her phone, I am making sure she doesn't hit anybody on the pavement, while Matt is talking amicably about how they're planning on getting a dog. I'm half listening, and half elsewhere, looking around Paris as it spreads out below,above and around me. I am also aware of him behind me, his voice hushed as he speaks with Miles. They're huddled together, heads bent, shoulders brushing. I have no idea what they're talking about.

We had met the others down in the lobby in a rush, nearly falling down the stairs as Alex pulled me down the carpeted steps. I had been laughing and out of breath when we got to the gathering of people, happy and elated. However as soon as we had got there, Alex had kissed me on the forehead and went straight over to Miles who was outside having a fag, Break and Matt had latched onto me, and since that moment we had not exchanged a word. At first it had been fine, I was happy to see them together, laughing and exchanging what looked like interesting conversation, but as the day wore on, I started to look over my shoulder more and more at their entwined figures. They looked like twins with their shades and over coats, you could say I felt like the odd one out.

It seems that after spending just this small amount of time with Al, I had become used to feeling him by my side. I had gotten used to the fact that I could just reach out and he would be there, ready to touch and support me. As the sun climbed higher in the sky and my feet started to ache more against the concrete of the pavement, the more my resentment grew, until to my horror, I was wishing that it had just been us going out. I hated the feelings that were gnawing in my stomach, knowing that they were really just past memories feeding the bad emotion, and yet they ate until I was in a foul mood.

I was watching my feet stamp on the hard ground when Brea poked me in the side, "We're here."

I looked up and saw words reading 'Frenchie To Go' across the black wood of a small cafe. Finally. Not only was I feeling left by Alex, but my hunger had returned, making my mood more sour. Seeing that I wasn't having the best of times, Matt had suggested that we go and get something to eat. I could have kissed him, except that my, well whatever he was, was standing behind me. He probably wouldn't have noticed though, so wrapped up was he with his BFF.

Brea pulled me closer to her side "Cheer up, you'll feel better soon, food is on it's way." I smiled down at her, feeling glad for knowing that she saw how I was feeling and took notice of how food enhanced my good mood. They were both gems.

Matt pushed open the glass door into a rather fancy bistro, modern with the old touch of antique, it was beautiful. I had heard of this place from Sally as she went here a lot and apparently the owner had cooked with Jamie Oliver. According to Sally, the man also has a restaurant so expensive even she doesn't go to it, which is why she comes here and I couldn't blame her. It was the sort of place where you could wile away many rainy afternoons, sipping coffee, reading poetry and pondering lifes many meanings. It was my kind of place.

We made our way to a small table, four stools were set around it, I grabbed a fifth one from an empty one next to it and placed it at the head of the table. Predictably Matt gave me a look, imposing his will with his signature smile, making it clear that it was his, Matthew J Helders the Third's right to sit at the head of the table. I shook my head at him, and went and sat on the stool next to the big windows that looked out onto the street, taking off my coat and folding it on the floor at me feet. Brea sat next to me, while Alex sat opposite me, and Miles beside him. I picked up the menu from the middle of the table, opening it, my eyes instantly glazed over, refusing to take in the information. Ugh, get your head in the game Rhea.

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